I need everyones help with this one


Active Member
Wouldn't it be great to walk down the street and see pot growing wildly the way it was intended? Well I have an idea lets make it a reality I need every one who reads this to start saving up thear seeds and planting them all over the place, parks, sides of the highway near the beach just wear ever you want to put them the cops couldn't do nothing but pull them up but thear are more stoners than cops so if you tell all your friends to do this and then all of you do it then maybe we can get so much growing they won't be able to destroy it all come on what do you got to loose besides a few seeds. Lets join together to make a change.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Operation Overgrow.

The ideas been hatched a fuckload of times and (for obvious reasons) doesn't get anywhere.
Besides anywhere that I think a pot plant can grow without being taken by the police or the citizens, I'll put one for my own benefit. Spots are hard to come by.


Well-Known Member
I have already deposited 5 seeds per potter up and down main st near the city i live. i have also planted tons of seeds all over this town besides main st. a friend of mine brings in schwagg from NYC and ended up having over a pound of schwagg seeds! i was grabbing hand fulls like cracked corn and just throwing them about.

i too had this epiphany and did my part :)

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I have already deposited 5 seeds per potter up and down main st near the city i live. i have also planted tons of seeds all over this town besides main st. a friend of mine brings in schwagg from NYC and ended up having over a pound of schwagg seeds! i was grabbing hand fulls like cracked corn and just throwing them about.

i too had this epiphany and did my part :)
"Ole Johnny Potseed" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
its just way too easy for pigs to cut down trees. i tried planting my males around town but after only dealing with clones there are no more males to plant :P


Well-Known Member
I have already deposited 5 seeds per potter up and down main st near the city i live. i have also planted tons of seeds all over this town besides main st. a friend of mine brings in schwagg from NYC and ended up having over a pound of schwagg seeds! i was grabbing hand fulls like cracked corn and just throwing them about.

i too had this epiphany and did my part :)
Congrats on fucking up someone's sensi.


Well-Known Member
so be it, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and yet im still head strong down the same path.

no matter how many seeds i plant, it would take 2 men and 1 day to cut them all down or less. im sure within 6months they would find them all and have cut them down. the lack of "good" spots aids this not to mention easily found spots due to lack there of.

your really over reacting Angus


Well-Known Member
no matter how many seeds i plant, it would take 2 men and 1 day to cut them all down or less.
Another good point. I agree, it is fucking pointless.

But on the off chance one of the seeds does sprout, make it to maturity, and isn't killed or stolen...then....what? You go back and get the pot? Or hope it isn't found by anyone for it's whole life until it's ripe and then someone stumbles upon it? Or if it's male, it pollinates someone's girls they worked hard on all season?

It's an underdeveloped, recycled, bad idea....with no pro's, only downside. I was just pointing out that it's been conceived a hundred times and no one follows through...and if they do then no one benefits.


Past that, it's a dupe thread, too.


Who's from canada?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt go back to check on those seeds... i dont care what happens to them, personally i would willingly loose my crop if this town was covered with weed plants. i mean like sea of green covered male or not. granted i wouldnt smoke any of it but a couple seasons of that im sure it would get tiresom cutting them down all day every day from pasture to pasture. it obviously comes at a price well noted by Angus but eventually i think they would give up.

this is also under the assumption that its country wide, a county isnt big enough or a state really...


Well-Known Member
male, it pollinates someone's girls they worked hard on all season?
Exactly, I don't want a couple plants that don't get to chopped down to end up pollinating the plants that i've spent a lot of time and effort on.

No matter what you try in the US it's not gonna work with the government and the policies that they have.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
this would work but people just arent dedicated enough...we would literally everyone from like every growing forum to seriouslly go plant...and some would but not all...


Well-Known Member
Oh, I must have missed the flag noting it.

But seriously, time to let this thread (idea) die.