I Need Cloning Help From Experts :)


Active Member
My plant is still pretty small but am wanting to start early on learning everything i need to know about cloning....

1) what kind of cloning gel is best

2) what medium is best and easiest

3) is a bubble cloner a good choice

4) AND most importantly can someone explain exactly where to start and all instructions plz

help will be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
get yourself a daisy cloner, and some olivias cloning solution. I have the daisy 8.
you can add six ounces to a gallon of ro h20, and leave the system on 24/7. I put them about 5 feet from a 400w . I have always had roots in 6 to 8 days. And the roots will blow your mind. I also cut the stem at a 45, and then split the stem about 1/2 inch. after that i lightly scrape the stem.
hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
any rooting hormone should work as long as you have the right enviroment.. i use root plugs but you can use what you please, even a light soil.

bubble cloners should be good, ive never used them but i've seen alot in action. there are alot of diy cloners u can make for cheap


For me work 20 years soil.Regular cloning gel from walmart or any store.Just keep humid around your clones and you will be ok.Watering clones with 5-5,5 ph level .Easy ....Good luck


Well-Known Member
I got them from my local hydro store. But you can go to any garden store and find something like it.
With clones just make sure if you can, get them from a mature plant (more hormones) also make stem short, and humidity 95% first 2 days then 85% for 5 days.