i need an expert, cant get going !!


Active Member
started a cupboard grow in jan, and am still struggling. getting cuttings off m8's who have grown for years, and they dont seem to know wot's going on also. - I have 250 w hps (with new bulb) about 2ft away from vegging plants on 18hrs, extractor, filter, and fan blowing them gently, temp is 26 now, but was hitting 30, put 2 more intake holes in and it stays at 26 all the time now, getting 20% hum, and at the moment am doing nft, but have tried growing in soil, then rockwol medium, and now trying nft. Every time the leaves start yellowing, then start showing there veins, leaves turn brown from the edge? - it's not nut burn, the temp+hum is fine, the plants have been different strains every time, off diferent growers! - some think root damage, some think light to weak, i getting depressed now, can anyone give me advice,


Active Member
How sure are you that your friends know HOW to take cuttings? Have you tried using rooting gel/powder/hormone? It's a lifesaver! How sure are you that it's not nute burn? If you're using what the package says to use, chances are that it COULD be. I wouldn't try using nutes the first two weeks anyways. Plant needs time to adjust. Just because temp is fine doesn't mean that you can't give it heat stress from the light. Yellowing can occur and then if you notice brown edges like you took a lighter to the edge of paper, you have yourself a case of nute burn or heat stress. Do you have any bugs? Did it come with bugs? You'd be surprised how fast that can happen. 250w hps IS PLENTY to grow a plant or 3. It all depends on the size of your space, which you didn't mention. This could also be from poor watering schedules, lighting schedules, peeking during night time. If you could throw out a bit more info, people here will be glad to assess and assist :)


Active Member
**and if you can't get them to grow in soil, I wouldn't suggest NFT. IMHO, if you can't grow in soil, NFT can be much more complicated & takes much more experience. Soil is the best way to grow for beginners and all. :) Plus the quality of bud will be that much better!


Active Member
thanks for your help, the cupboard is about L- 4ft, W- 2ft, H-6ft. The cuttings were healthy and lush green with roots coming out of rockwol blocks, each time i recieved them, after 10 days they went down hill. wot u said about the leafs, like burnt paper is spot on, now with extra intakes we got temp lower. I know soil is easier, but after the 1st on died, my m8 who does nft gave me a spare so i tried that - and followed his advice, but got same results. The cupboard is painted white inside, no mylar up - we even blamed the paint on the walls, - for about 2 min, - fink some light got under the nft cover maybe, as gone bit green / mouldy on mat, cant see many major roots, 1 m8 finks - light got to root mat, and was too hot, and not enough feed, the plant was week, yellowing, and veiny. last few days, ive increased the feed slightly, moved light closer - cause they were streching, and 2 intake vents, hoping they will turn around, but it may be to late if roots crap, but if i start again with new cut's and it happens again it will be the 4th time ??????????


Give your babies some Superthrive... it will help them stop stressing and grow. You can get it at walmart :weed:


Active Member
Superthrive/Hormex are both hormones .. They will definitely help. You can usually pick up hormex (generic brand) at a hardware store & they both work the same. I've used them both, and there's people who swear by superthrive. Personally, I get the same effects, but that's just me :) Yeah, cut back on the nutes, add a few drops of hormones (if you can), and you should see a remarkable change. Burnt paper is a few days away from a dead plant if you don't take care of it :-f Try no nutes for 2 feedings, and if improved, start back again with 1/2 and graduate up to full strength of nutes over 3 feedings. Again, just my advice, but the only time I killed a plant was when the neighbors were remodeling upstairs and drilled too deep & left a nice viewing hole?!

Try that, and be sure to let me know how it works out. I'd say it's more nute burn than anything else if we're here saving you from the 4th failed plant. :)