I need advise!!!

Tokey Bear

Active Member
ive been on probation for 3 months! it sucked real bad 3 months no mary jane... however i officially get off january 2nd which is friday but want to smoke new years (wednesday night/thursday morning) and not sure if i should yet... i mean i saw my probation officer about 3 weeks ago she said she was done seeing me for good but couldnt officially send the papers till the day im officially off but she wasnt gonna see me anymore. now usually id see this as a trap maybe but she dismantled my filefolder and threw away the actual folder and just stapled everything together and wrote on in 'send closing papers' and said she wouldnt be able to send em till later than january 2nd because she would be on vacation till about the 8th. She drug tested me 2 times over the 3 months and last time i saw her she said 'would u pass if i tested u now' and i said yeah do u want me to test? and she said no she believes me it didnt really matter to her anyways and shes been really nice and cool this whole time and has grown to like and trust me... so do u guys think its cool for me to smoke 24 hours before im officially off?


Well-Known Member
Personally, I wouldn't risk it. It sounds like there isn't a problem but is it worth the risk just so you can smoke on New Year's Eve?

Tokey Bear

Active Member
its not about it being new years eve its just gonna be the first time ill be around a bunch of ppl smoking in 3 months


Well-Known Member
nah man, dont do it...... have a drunk new years eve dude.... it'll be more fun :D

:) if u can do it, u can do anything :)


Well-Known Member
WAIT!!!! They did that to my stepson, he thought he was done and on his last day they tested him....They said it is a mandatory thing to do on the last day. WAIT WAIT WAIT


New Member
I'd wait it out too. Surely being around others who are smoking isn't going to raise your levels. Just don't smoke and drink a lot of water new years day, just in case of contact buzz.


Well-Known Member
you may get away with it, but if you dont she could send you directly to jail - do not pass go, do not collect $200. and then your back on probation.

no question IMO, id wait.