i need advice my plant i think.. i think its dieing


Well-Known Member
i have two plants (dont know what they are) but one of them is dark green and stinks soo nice .. the second plant was greenish but it began to turn brown on all of its leave and several leaves started curling up =/ ... this second plant doesnt even stink at all =/ ... i water them every other day, i water them just a lil not alot , im using miracle grow soil and so far no nutes water only. for lights i have 2 100watt equiv. cfls for each of the plants (total of 4) and i do have a fan hitting my plants 24/7 and cfls are on 18/6 . what can be happening?


Well-Known Member
could be a ph problem. Check that. And Ive heard that miracle grow isnt the best suited for growing pot.
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