I Need A Good Scale


Active Member
What money where. It's weed it's free.
I beg to differ, there is a lot of anecdotal and even some hard evidence that drug dealers do in fact exist. Some of them stay in business for more than a week before running out of money and a select few actually make more money than they spend. Something on the order of $35.8B per year in the U.S. as of 2006. Not much but it's proof they're probably there.:p

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Or the 'Ndrangheta in Italy, whose money laundering accounts for 3% or more of Italy's $2,055,114,000,000 GDP. That's $61,653,420,000 that they successfully laundered. That would lead an educated person believe they have MORE than that in still dirty cash. O.O

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hence my comment of speak for yourself. I get things free in life, you may not but i do. With regard to weed beeing free, perfectly easy to do. You can opt to spend money on xyz but there is no necessity. as to time and effort, i tend to my garden for 10 minutes a week in my spare time. My spare time is free to me, i don't sit around invoicing myself for what i've been upto.

Or are you talking about emotional costs as well? because i was over at my parents house last weekend and bumped into my brother. I gave him a lump of hash for no reason for no price, i wonder how that cost him other than a "cost" of being my brother. Essentially, define cost in this debate :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Hence my comment of speak for yourself. I get things free in life, you may not but i do. With regard to weed beeing free, perfectly easy to do. You can opt to spend money on xyz but there is no necessity. as to time and effort, i tend to my garden for 10 minutes a week in my spare time. My spare time is free to me, i don't sit around invoicing myself for what i've been upto.
Time isn't free. There are several costs at play, not simply monetary. You pay with your time and effort regardless of how petty you deem it. :rolleyes:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Now i'm just a bit tipsy and stoned and interested in your theory of why someones time isn't free. I don't live to make money, i live to exist, therefore time is simply my existence and nothing is at loss, the only loss i could see is the argument of loss of earnings, but earnings are not a necessity, they are a benefit on top of existence. Something like that haha

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You can make more money, you can not make more time. Time is more precious then money. Therefor it has more value. Therefor, it costs more. No?


This has gotten pretty off topic................
I use and would highly recommend a Ohaus triple beam, you know it is accurate always! Perfect for a place where you don't move it a lot/ever.


Well-Known Member
Now i'm just a bit tipsy and stoned and interested in your theory of why someones time isn't free. I don't live to make money, i live to exist, therefore time is simply my existence and nothing is at loss, the only loss i could see is the argument of loss of earnings, but earnings are not a necessity, they are a benefit on top of existence. Something like that haha
Doesn't have to be money, time and effort would be considered work in which your 10 min of work every week pays you with bud nothing is free you always pay for it somehow.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well the way i see it is that in my life, i don't think "i could be making money" i don't like money. I make do and want little more. So to me, i certainly could be doing something and making money, but if i don't, it doesn't cost me anything, as making money was not my goal, just a potential income. I'm having trouble wording this out :D but yes, in terms of free, i guess i think my time is. I'm quirky :D

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Well the way i see it is that in my life, i don't think "i could be making money" i don't like money. I make do and want little more. So to me, i certainly could be doing something and making money, but if i don't, it doesn't cost me anything, as making money was not my goal, just a potential income. I'm having trouble wording this out :D but yes, in terms of free, i guess i think my time is. I'm quirky :D
I could say you're a lot of things, and quirky may be one of them, and it may not. ;) You seem to think there is more then one definition of 'cost'. There is not. It is language, and you agree upon it's syntax when you use it. A cost is what you pay to achieve something. Nothing more, nothing less. You pay with your time and effort to receive the marijuana you grow. It's as simple as that my friend.