i managed to make it here to tell you


Well-Known Member
okay i warn you im very high

so listen when im prime minister (I always thought it was priminister lol) im gunna go up to a strand ifront of the whole country and say "joints keep us together (pointing at my elbow)(if your blind you wont see that though) then say"but thats not the only joint im talkin about" and spark on up and say "Marijuana is legalised" genous.

okay so im typing using a PS pad, and i dont know how im typing i cant feal my hands it just feals like it know what i want. can my ps3 read minds:shock::shock:

okay so i went outside and it was dark so i tried to turn the sun on with my lightswitch (waited for a min or 5) "ohhhhhh yeeeaaahhh"

lifes like homer simpson's DOE, it can annoy you but you can make somthing beautiful out of it LIKE BREAD why do i come up with this shit, sorry for wasting time im gunna chill out on the little fluffy clouds,

yes i typed all this on a ps3 controller WOW IM SO GUNNA BE PRIME MINISTER!
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Active Member
pass some of it this waaaayyy
:looks at clock:
yeaaah, diffrnt time zones and that (lights one up).

Yeah man I can dig: when life gives you clouds and no lightswitch, make bread