I man,400 watts, 9 random seeds and a dream.


Well-Known Member
Yea u do have to watch the Ozone. I Only run it while im gone behind the close door of my bedroom. Makes the whole room smell like a hospital. And let me know how the coco works i wouldnt be opposed to giving it a go on the next one.
im doing a seperate album called 12-12 from seed in coco ,will post regular pics in there, seems easy enough so far though mate


OK so ive got a not so good update for ya. Ive been troubleshooting and troubleshooting and could not figure out the problem with my plants. I started ruling out every single possibility. Finally I checked my PH pen and compared it to one I borrowed from a friend annnnnnnnd. While my PH pen shows my soil to be between 6.2 - 6.9 on the various pots, The borrowed pen shows the PH to be in the 5.0- 5.5 range on all plants. SOOOOOOOOOOOO The problem shows itself. Unfortunatly I am only about 2 weeks from harvest and the bone meal, blood meal for PH isnt going to have time to take effect. I think all I can really do is start havy waterings with PH adjusted water. Tonight I gave them one gallon per pot of PH 8 water. I guess ive learned a serious lesson from all this and should not rely fully on technology. This SUUUUUUUX to happen this late with almost nothing I can do to correct this But I can keep from making it worse.
PH problems 022.jpgPH problems 020.jpgPH problems 024.jpgPH problems 018.jpgPH problems 025.jpgPH problems 026.jpgPH problems 017.jpgThe babies however are doing just fine.