I love Sen. Jim Webb....


Well-Known Member
This guy has nothing but respect from me. He's a first term senator from virginia who has the balls to call for a sweeping reform of our criminal justice system (including ending the drug war). I love him partially because of what he says but also because he has the balls to throw out these ideas even though he didn't win by a large margin and some of this things could easily cost him his seat.



Well-Known Member
Prison wardens are mostly buddys of the govenor or suits from the state capitol. However that isn't all bad. These people are not guards they arn't going to protect the guards they want the prison to run smooth but they don't want to get in trouble because they can get in trouble. We had "civilian" managment and officers running the show up to captain.

We had one of two PSU units in California these guys are either nuts or are hiding from mainline. But some are very nuts, violent, poop smearers or just plain mean. But they were the most fun to work with, crazy fucks, staff and inmates. As for their treatment I don't know they had it ok for inmates they wern't in SHU anyway.

All that is really needed is end the drug war that will cut crime 70% over night I bet. End three strikes laws, And manditory minimum sentances. Bam your done. Lots of officers would be pissed though. They love those laws, mean job security. Government loves the huge bloated penal system, Huh, "HUGE BLOATED PENAL."

If they want to see how a prison should run all they need to do is look at Pelican Bay. Sure we had some problems but we were damn good.
But I hope he isn't wanting to base the US system on the Japanees system they can be brutal. We had Russian Prison Wardens come through our prison said they would send their grandmas to retire there. Our older prisons need to be shut down though, we could do it if we ended the drug war.

I really hate prisons personally, I wish there was another way. But all I can think of is kill the bad ones, fine everyone else.


Well-Known Member
The one point I would like to make to all the congressman (assuming they would listen to me) would be this:

People go into battle knowing that there is a high degree of risk of death. Yet they still go willingly and sometimes enthusiastically. So if death can't deter people from performing an action (that is going to war) then how can we reasonably expect life imprisonment (or the death penalty) to deter people?


Well-Known Member
I think thoses shows on MSNBC and Nat geo have hopefullly helped to open the eyes of the public and see what U.S prison is like.

I got no problem with locking up murderers for life and throwing away the key. Its the rest of the prison population who need to be "rehabilatated" because we eventually have let them out. We can't simply warehouse these guys and expect them not come back.


Well-Known Member
I think thoses shows on MSNBC and Nat geo have hopefullly helped to open the eyes of the public and see what U.S prison is like.

I got no problem with locking up murderers for life and throwing away the key. Its the rest of the prison population who need to be "rehabilatated" because we eventually have let them out. We can't simply warehouse these guys and expect them not come back.
Rehabilitation is a Crock of BS, the very idea of prison is to keep people there. The problem isn't the prisons the problem is the penal code. Personally, I'd have no problem with Murderers/Rapists/other violent criminals being scourged or tortured daily. However, seeings as how that might be a bit cruel I'll just settle on the death penalty for them.

As far as non-violent offenders (drug users) the concept of locking them up is Antithematic to the very existence of the United States.

The idea behind the Constitution was that it would create a government that would protect the citizen from other people, not protect them from themselves. When the government exceeds its responsibility and attempts to protect people from themselves then it becomes a tyranny.

I do not need the government making my decision for me on whether or not I should smoke, at the same time, I expect that the government should also not give a damn if I get lung cancer and die a horrible death. I do not need, or desire the government to protect me from my own choices.


Well-Known Member
Rehabilitation is BS IMO. But prison is like De-Habilitation that is no BS, Beleive that!! If we could just prevent the De-Habilitation.

Simple fact is we have to many crimes. Prostitution and Drug use/Manufacturing/smugling/sales come to mind. We are putting people in prison for 25 to life for shoplifting. Stuff like this needs to stop. Three strikes should be only for the worst crimes not petty theft.

Prostitution should be legal, Simply to protect the rights of Prostitutes. If we outlaw it then Prostitutes must seek recourse through pimps, not a good option IMO. You can't get a lawyer if your a hooker when a John stiffs you. You gotta knife him or call your pimp. Its better legalized, duh.

Same with drug violence We had a guy here sell a kilo of like comet to some dudes in Chicago told them it was meth. Yeah, that didn't go over real big in Chicago. They found his ass out here in the sticks killed him in the bar here in town. IMO he had it coming, He commited fraud. But the Chicago dudes coudn't take him to court. So they did the next best thing.

Governments main job is to protect our rights and provide legal recourse. If it fails to provide legal recourse then you see people taking law into their own hands and you see it as crime. Everything I have outlined (save petty theft) is not really even a crime IMO. A crime must have a victim.
Druck driving may not have a victim but it should still be illegal as a contract violation i.e. you have agreed by driving on the road that you will not drink and drive as a condition of useing the road, see what I mean.

What we have is government failing to do its job, to provide legal recourse, and instead simply outlawing things and throwing people in prison for non-crimes.


Well-Known Member
I have to disagree with the three strikes system. I think it should just be tossed out all together. All it does is clogs up our prison system while not solving anything. The problem is right now we say that it only applies to the worst crimes (felonies). Except that some crusader X comes through and says that "some crime x is horrific and must be considered a felony!" and that's how stupid things like minor theft become felonies and then applied to the 3 strikes system.


New Member
I can't see how This thread about Jim Webb turned into a rant about prisons, but back to the subject, Yes Jim webb has balls. He has a son in Iraq and has voted on every chance to stop the insanity of feeding KBR and Haliburton and bringing the troops home.. I ask you all, how many other congressmen have children serving in Iraq or Afghanistan? Answer: between 3-5, out of 535. Jim webb is real. He sees life as it is, not some fantasy world like most of the rest of the 535 see it. Long live Jim webb and his ilk, real men.


Well-Known Member
Because thats what Webb is talking about reforming the prison system, am I right, or did I miss something.
BTW I have no problem just tossing three strikes either. It was a good thought but it fails.