I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun

ky man

Well-Known Member
Yeah, same here in Commonwealth of Kentucky. Pedophiles get same amount of time.
Some pedophiles here in ky, get to take there shoe strings out and there tyed around there dick and balls then its all cut off dick and balls and then a bullet thrue there eye ball and rolled up in plastic and thrown in the dump where they belong at.One of my best friends did that to a man that tried to rape his doughter and killed a few moor worthless ass befor he got rated out.He died befor his triel of cancer and never spent one day in jail for it..The shit he did to help some people out would make the hare crawl on the back of your neck to here it..ky..ps.And yes in my book he was a good person that saved the tax payers money in this state and others end of storey..

ky man

Well-Known Member
Neb is no joke. The sent a partner of mine to prison for cash......too much cash. It's a crime in Neb to have over $9,999. He pled to misdemeanor intent to traffic & they gave him 6 months. They found no drugs only cash.....Nebraska SUCKS!
They do that also in ky, and ten, but if no drugs are found they just keep your money let you drive off same in goriga they got my friend last year with 80 grand took the cash and let him go.that shit hiway robbery and there trying to get that changed and RAN PAUL is the one taking it to the higest court he is from ky.

ky man

Well-Known Member
They have private for profit prisons in Nebraska, they are just looking for reasons to lock you up, it's a business...
Drug dogs will hit on money faster then drugs where lots of it has drug resudo on it from being rolled up as a strow..rent a cars put in trunk and there is no way in hell they can convect you for just money.but you will loose the money where you say I did not know that cash was there when I rented the care..vacume sell 4 times help but not fool proof with the rite dog.ky

ky man

Well-Known Member

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
lets just say it was over $9,999 and you have to take it to trial to try to prove it was legal (taxed) money, and you still might lose.
The county just north of Orlando is known for stopping folks and taking their money. They don't charge you, but take your cash. You have to prove it is clean to get it back, and that is not easy to do.


Well-Known Member
I hope norml can and dos help that man out.It is a fucking sham to be treated worse then a cold blooded killer over a plant..ky
I wouldn't hold my breath for norml doing much, this is the time you need a good lawyer. Now norml may have that good lawyer but I doubt he will do a case like this pro bono. Buy the best lawyer you can afford. Good to just have one on retainer depending on what your into.

ky man

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't hold my breath for norml doing much, this is the time you need a good lawyer. Now norml may have that good lawyer but I doubt he will do a case like this pro bono. Buy the best lawyer you can afford. Good to just have one on retainer depending on what your into.
That's why I never did give my money to norml for they have never did shit to help ky in the fight to get legal weed here.KENTUCKINS FOR MEDICINAL MARIJUANA is doing all they can 7-24 and people ack like they don't even wount to buy a tee shirt to help that makes me sick..ky


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't hold my breath for norml doing much, this is the time you need a good lawyer. Now norml may have that good lawyer but I doubt he will do a case like this pro bono. Buy the best lawyer you can afford. Good to just have one on retainer depending on what your into.
we had 3 different lawyers look at his case & this was the best they could do in Nebraska:roll:

ky man

Well-Known Member
we had 3 different lawyers look at his case & this was the best they could do in Nebraska:roll:
That is a fucked up state.We grew in cansas on the line there in outdoors.the worst problem was keeping the wild himp sprayed with the tractor all day long here and there ,grew some big fields of good weed there but if cought probley would still be there that was around 20 years ago..back in the good old days...ky


Well-Known Member
Welcome home buddy! :0)
Whew - I was getting worried.
Yeah I was working, chilling, or sleeping at @Joedank place. Had way to good a time to get on here much. Checked in with @RM3 about dc a couple times was about all i did do. Sucks that I saw he will not meet with the normal lawyer next Wednesday. Hope I here his voice on the phone a free man again soon.


Well-Known Member

Yeah I was working, chilling, or sleeping at @Joedank place. Had way to good a time to get on here much. Checked in with @RM3 about dc a couple times was about all i did do. Sucks that I saw he will not meet with the normal lawyer next Wednesday. Hope I here his voice on the phone a free man again soon.
thanks again buddy :) what a blast , we got so much done !
picked up 5 yards of peat , pumice , an rice hulls to turn to coots mix an started beds/boxes...pullin second layer in the afternoon ..bla blah blach...you know
cant wait to see the dab rig when you get time ...
much love
joed an family

ps we are prayin for dc to be out soon!


Well-Known Member
thanks again buddy :) what a blast , we got so much done !
picked up 5 yards of peat , pumice , an rice hulls to turn to coots mix an started beds/boxes...pullin second layer in the afternoon ..bla blah blach...you know
cant wait to see the dab rig when you get time ...
much love
joed an family

ps we are prayin for dc to be out soon!
Right on! I am too man but seems like Nebraska is not the state to get popped in.