I love Oregon! Dr.D81 growing under the sun


Well-Known Member
That's what mine is too, doesn't appear to be making quality compost... lol. If I put more work in it would be better, but it's already difficult keeping this one man show going! Lol
Need me some composting 101.
Either way, the pile shrinks in size... I've dumped a lot of debris into that pile. Keep adding soil when I have it, give it a drink on occasion. Had a huge clump of primary decomposer mycelium from a bag of store bought compost I added to the middle of the pile. Eventually it'll have goodness... Or it won't. Either way it's a nice place to put yard waste when my bin is full.


Well-Known Member
Your efforts by far exceed my own!

Need me some composting 101.
Either way, the pile shrinks in size... I've dumped a lot of debris into that pile. Keep adding soil when I have it, give it a drink on occasion. Had a huge clump of primary decomposer mycelium from a bag of store bought compost I added to the middle of the pile. Eventually it'll have goodness... Or it won't. Either way it's a nice place to put yard waste when my bin is full.


Well-Known Member
Need me some composting 101.
Either way, the pile shrinks in size... I've dumped a lot of debris into that pile. Keep adding soil when I have it, give it a drink on occasion. Had a huge clump of primary decomposer mycelium from a bag of store bought compost I added to the middle of the pile. Eventually it'll have goodness... Or it won't. Either way it's a nice place to put yard waste when my bin is full.
Only thing you need to do is turn it and it will shrink faster


Well-Known Member
Guys thats the most important part of it. That puts oxy in it for the decomposers to thrive. All I do is go out and pull a little,over to one side then next time a bit more till I have moved it all then I move it back. I bet it takes a week to move it all a little at a time


Well-Known Member
Got an interview for a part time delivery driver today then it will be time to top dress and netView attachment 3707900a couple ingredients that will be in the mix. Got to pay @Organja back for the biolive. He got me a rocking deal and we got to talking and i forgot. Thats ok good reason to get together and burn one.
Love the thread man good stuff great greenhouse I have a backyard I would love to do that in but unfortunately ny hasn't legalized it yet, I was wondering what's in the mystery bag and what ratios for the soul u use I'm struggling with my second yr guerilla gro but I do have some 6 month old bushes and wondering what to top feed them... Have a mix of 6 cu ft happy frog soil conditioner
2.5 cu ft of pure coco coir
Very little native soil
6 cups tomato tone
lb of azomite
lb of Neem sead meal
Just top dressed with high nitro bat quano..
Wish I had a picture my phones a piece of shit n times r tuff lol I'll get one soon though
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