I Love Herbies

ii dP ii

seriously?! I put an order in with them and I haven't even got my tracking number yet! that was like monday or tuesday!


I wish I could say the same... I ordered on Oct 24th and they have been sitting in customs since the 26th.. wonder what the hold up is.

ii dP ii

update to my earlier post, they responded with a copy of the tracking number and all the information I needed. quick reply.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could say the same... I ordered on Oct 24th and they have been sitting in customs since the 26th.. wonder what the hold up is.

You cant blame that on herbies , Order from anywear outside the USA and it will have to go thru customs

Sometimes customs can just be S--L---O----W


You cant blame that on herbies , Order from anywear outside the USA and it will have to go thru customs

Sometimes customs can just be S--L---O----W
Ya i know:roll:... Im just being impatient. In no way was i trying to put herbies down. Actually they shipped it out really fast, the hold up is with customs. I just hope they make it.


I ordered through herbies and got them sooner than i expected!
if you ever are going to place a large order, i suggest splitting your orders so if they do get lost/stopped then its less of a loss you know? just a thought.

I love herbies, just got a pretty big order last week. Never had a problem with them and they are always fast with the most freebies, trying to get a stock pile going now. Because, the writing is on the wall, the international seed game is coming to an end eventually.

ii dP ii

I'm hoping that by the time the UK seedbanks are out of business, most US states will have dispensaries to buy seeds/clones from... *fingers crossed*
Herbies was amazing, to the East Coast ew s ah it took 8 days including the weekend. only other place I have ordered from was nirvana and all of those orders took 4+ weeks, pretty crazy stealth too, they had my seeds wrapped in so much wrapping paper I felt like a kid at Christmas. Plus all the freebies, top notch

ii dP ii

got my order just now! stealth was excellent, good job all around. will definitely order from them a second time.
Yeah herbies is definitely the way to go, I am making order after order right now to stock up. They had awesome THSeeds freebies last month, my second order just got handed off to the USPS so I will let everyone know once/if they arrive, they should though, I received an order Friday perfectly. Way better than attitude.


soo... wat do u guys do when ur seeds have not showed up by the 21 days? will herbies offer a refund? I hope so, so I can reorder them...