i know im probley going to be embarrsed after

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm a girl.Keep this in mind when you read this.

Is the pussy THAT good,dude?Is your self esteem THAT low?I've read this whole thread...lemme tell you my take on it.
YOU don't need a girlfriend.You need to work on YOU.You're 20 years old.Nothing is set in stone yet.Go LIVE,for fuck's sake.Don't base your self worth on your girlfriend's opinion of you. Go out, be a man,learn about YOU,get your head straight,and THEN worry about getting in a relationship.Put your fucking guns away and quit making empty threats and giving gun owners a bad name.If she decides she wants to be with him, there's not a damn thing to be done.Yes, it will hurt, but this, too shall pass. Tell her that you won't be second choice...if she "still has feelings" for this guy, then tell her to hit the road and figure shit out.And tell her you can't promise you'll still be around if she decides it's you later on.You don't need someone screwing you and mooning over "the one that got away".You're making things way more complicated than they have to be at this stage in your life.NEVER be with anyone who is any less than crazy for YOU. You have your own baggage,you don't need hers, too.:peace:


Well-Known Member
I agree with Stoney,..

You're either way too much in love with this girl or a little OCD. Either one isn't good. You probably need some space from her anyway, just so you can stop with the attitude that she's "all" you got. A lot of women retain feelings for ex's. If they act on them, then they don't have enough feelings for the current guy, plain and simple. Although you didn't let her know that you weren't ok with him visiting so it's mostly your fault.

You should have a talk with her. Let her know about your feelings and that you're uncomfortable with having her ex come and stay for a weekend. If she's not interested in letting a friendship with an ex slide, so that she can have a healthy current one, then you need to move on. Say it to her once, don't beg, and be a man about it. Or he might visit eventually and during a weekend when nothing is going on, so she can devote her time to him. One thing leads to another, and the next thing you know she's telling you that she has to explore those feelings, because the relationship never really ended, blah blah blah,..

If you had let her know you didn't want him to visit, and she was still going to let him come, then you're only hurting yourself by hoping for something that isn't as real as you feel it.

As stoney says,.. never be with anyone who is any less crazy for you,.. than you are for them. Chillout your feelings, take time from her if you need,.. and if her's don't develop to the point where she wouldn't want to have an ex come and spend the weekend with her, to avoid making you uncomfortable, then you need to quitely move on.

I had a similar situation develop. She said she had to go explore feelings for the ex, who she always said was the wrong guy. I said go ahead. Two months later she came back and said it was a mistake,.. my response (because we had spent a considerable amount of time together at that point),. was "I was your second choice then and after being together for six months. I don't know what really happened with your ex, but I'm not going to be anyones second choice. There's too many great women in the world and I'll find one who wouldn't pick an ass of an ex over me. Sayonara." She even showed me her awesome boobs to try to change my mind.


dude i can trust my girl to go anywhere and i dont worry, in my opinion if you cant do that youll never be together for a long time


Well-Known Member
Maybe he did come over and she just doesnt want you to know so she told you he didnt.. lol......Just kiddin bro, Just kiddin!