I know im going to get a lot of negative feedback for this...

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Well-Known Member
If you're really in MN then you have nothing to worry about till April 15th, it's the law.

They can't evict in cold weather.


Well-Known Member
Haha.. true.. Just make sure you take 1 in that Red bandana and in that cowboy hat... HD camera plz, I like to see into thoes Wrinkles.
does it seem realistic for me to take 150 nude pictures....? plus they'd all be like the same so...?


Well-Known Member
why cant my Threads grow as fast as this 1. >:[ maybe I need to have a starving kid and behind on my bills too. damnit RIU is unfair.


Active Member
seriously....im getting to the point where im almost considering this picture thing....... but probably not...
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