I just want to talk to someone

JollyGreen {:

Active Member
Hi my name ****** , and I am here on roll it up. now. . . someone tell me how to get some FREE WEED... or tell me how to grow it, and send me a sample of yours so i can send some to my mom and just end up smoking it later.


Well-Known Member
welcome to roll it up heres how to get free weed
get a backyard
plant some seeds
save ALL the rainwater you can
start a compost
make your own ferts
and enjoy the free fruits of your labor....8 months later

JollyGreen {:

Active Member
welcome to roll it up heres how to get free weed
get a backyard
plant some seeds
save ALL the rainwater you can
start a compost
make your own ferts
and enjoy the free fruits of your labor....8 months later
*bites lip* see the thing about that is. i am inching for some now... but i already dont really have any growing in the back yard. . . . so. . . thanks for the advice i appreciate it. your not like an idiot that previously responded and just totally knocked me down.


Well-Known Member
keep it low and i forget the formula but its something about sale=jail and no tell= success keep it to yourself and be smart, if you want to know what NOT to do search for 35 day old and you will find the BEST thread on this site and quite possibly the internet, also check out my plants are pussys that thread is priceless, and i gurantee if you avoid what they did, you will smoke some of your home grown soooooner or later


Well-Known Member
too bad you're not high first time i read gp420 thread my sides hurt and i shit you not i had tears rolling down my cheeks

JollyGreen {:

Active Member
Well, you could just get it from blacks...

Yeah, behind blacks hardware store there's some white guy selling it...
... and then what ? i have to play with his jewels to get some ??? i dont like WHITE men. selling to me. a cop is usually around. lol... just kidding. i understand your racism.


Well-Known Member
when people are rude realize its because that is how they see the world. so thus, they are products of their environment, plus anyone who associates negativity with cannabis is not supposed to be smoking in the first place...there are enough people out there giving an unfair name to cannabis