I just smoked 12 hours ago and im in so much pain

Lmao sssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Funniest thread iv'e read in ages.. lmao at some replies...

Sounds like you whited man, i blaze a 8th a day, weighed up at 3.2gs and feel fine, your only smoking that or near that in a whole month, smoke it more you'll get over it.

If the aking carrys on,..... swine flu may be in action lol.


Well-Known Member
Many of you noticed the house picture was funny but you missed the connection because once again just short of killing you house had the answer nobody else did.

Smoke a lot of weed, you get dehydrated. Any time you are severely dehydrated your kidneys will hurt. Kidney pain IS back pain. The headache was from smoking so much too.

If you want to rock hard next time drink lots of water before you even begin and stay hydrated. And no lightweight should need to smoke as much as you did I think you are trying to attain a level of high that that weed is actually too weak to attain even for you. It made you smoke so much you got a headache and smoke so much you got what qualifies as severely dehydrated.

Pay extra for the best weed if you want to reach the stratosphere before getting a headache from smoking so much.

Also just smoking too much alone without dehydration causes pain in your lungs if you aren't used to it, that's normal, and lung pain is back pain you can't tell the difference just like you can't tell kidney pain from back pain most of the time.

Hope I didn't ruin all the funny responses with the answers, the truth is boring.


Well-Known Member
I fogot to mention you need to still drink more even 12 hours afterwards. Coke, mountain dew, energy drinks, and coffee anything with caffeine in it really are not water and they will take quite a while to actually rehydrate you if you are like me and don't normally drink water alone. 12 hours later, I know seems impossible, been there.


Well-Known Member
I've had this happen. Doesn't happen to me anymore but yes my kidneys lower back use to ache a little after smoking. Usually goes away after awhile. It doesn't feel to bad, just feels like someone gave you a cheap massage.


Well-Known Member
I was about to say the only thing that would make this thread more fun was if MysticClown showed up....:-o



Sector 5 Moderator
Many of you noticed the house picture was funny but you missed the connection because once again just short of killing you house had the answer nobody else did.

Smoke a lot of weed, you get dehydrated. Any time you are severely dehydrated your kidneys will hurt. Kidney pain IS back pain. The headache was from smoking so much too.

If you want to rock hard next time drink lots of water before you even begin and stay hydrated. And no lightweight should need to smoke as much as you did I think you are trying to attain a level of high that that weed is actually too weak to attain even for you. It made you smoke so much you got a headache and smoke so much you got what qualifies as severely dehydrated.

Pay extra for the best weed if you want to reach the stratosphere before getting a headache from smoking so much.

Also just smoking too much alone without dehydration causes pain in your lungs if you aren't used to it, that's normal, and lung pain is back pain you can't tell the difference just like you can't tell kidney pain from back pain most of the time.

Hope I didn't ruin all the funny responses with the answers, the truth is boring.
Great advice!!!! Thanks for sharing bro.


Active Member
thats y i prefer pills. 2 vicodin and ur head is clear ur consciousness isnt fucked up, u just feel all warm inside


Active Member
Sounded more like highs. And not midz to me mang hahahaha
Shit.... you damn near tripped without the acid!:clap:

And the vicodens.... even the fattys never done much for me.
Just made me boring n shit.
I'll stick to the cannibas. Plus its all natural from the earth itself, Cant
believe its classified up there with hardcore manmade drugs like herion... anyway :weed: