I just Googled my User Name....


Well-Known Member
any idea how to make it so people cant see what iv wrote on here in the past ??
You have to watch what you post on the internet, it's public domain. And if you only use a name here and nowhere else, there are few/no links to who you are. If you use the same username everywhere on the internet it's relatively easy to figure things out


Active Member
ur answer does not help , its obv too late for that lol , just didnt expect shit to pop up in google
You do know this is a public forum, don't you?

If you don't want people to find your publicly stated words, don't post them on a public domain!


Staff member
mine is about muslims... which i see why i get asked if im muslim all the time now....

(user name is named after my cat though and i just use it for all my gamer tags and such)


New Member
ok, WTF is Royal Queen seeds doing posting my journal and a bunch of other threads from RIU? This makes me quite uncomfortable


Well-Known Member
easy to find me was like aw bummer at first then was cool. ya ya most people start searches with the ^lifted hehe

find this post google:finger:

also thanks for the help findin the shit i want:lol:


Well-Known Member
I just googled a user name of a friend,and if you look you can find their real name...from using the same user name somewhere else....so,thats not good.
Jesus 'healed using cannabis' | World news | The Guardian
Jan 6, 2003 – Jesus w as almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural ...
CC11: Cannabis and the Christ: Jesus used Marijuana
As doubtful as the following hypothesis might first seem to the reader, I might as well boldly state my case right from the start: either Jesus used marijuana or he ...
The Bible and Marijuana? - Jesus is Savior
Clearly, some pot-head nut saw a word in some article somewhere, misinterpreting it grossly to mean that Jesus anointed people by dunking them in cannabis ...
Marijuana and the Bible
Jump to Jesus‎: 15:11) The apostle Paul wrote, I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that ...
Amanita muscaria, Jesus, and Cannabis
Jesus is also portrayed as the offspring of a female virgin named 'Mary', who represents cannabis sativa or hemp, since female plants are cloistered, or kept ...
BBC NEWS | Health | Cannabis linked to Biblical healing
Jan 6, 2003 – Jesus Christ and his apostles may have used a cannabis-based anointing oil to help cure people with crippling diseases, it has been claimed.
Did Jesus use cannabis? Sex, drugs, violence, and the Bible
Jan 12, 2003 – Was Jesus a Stoner? is the mischievous title of an article about the use of cannabis in ancient Judaism in next month's High Times, ...
Jesus healed using cannabis, study shows « Patients for Medical ...
Dec 22, 2009 – Until 1942, cannabis was included in the US Pharmacopoeia. We are not saying Jesus depended on herbs to heal, but the facts seem to show ...
ReeferSmoke – A Marijuana Blog » Blog Archive » Jesus of Cannabis
Jan 13, 2010 – Jesus of Cannabis. Filed under People. Jan 12. Jesus_potleaf_heart.jpg Jesus and his apostles were reputed to have used a Holy oil for ...
Did Jesus use drugs
wiki.answers.com › Wiki Answers › Categories › Health
It would be impossible to determine whether or not Jesus did in fact use the cannabis plant, although there is evidence to suggest that oil extracts were used in ...

If you used a common name there wouldnt be much of a problem hiding, :-)