i have mest up big time


Well-Known Member
hi guys i'm thinking of scraping this plant IMG_0574.jpgIMG_0575.jpgIMG_0576.jpg let me give you some info on why i'm scrapping. the thing is she was coming along nice and then i got a fucking spider mite problem and because i could not get any neem oil i used rosemary oil. That i read that works just as good witch did work all the spider mites was gone from what i could see. any way about three days later. I go to have a look at her and she had loads of black fly on her leaves and running around the soil. Lucky enough my mum had just got some black fly killer spray for her garden. so i used that to get rid of the black fly did what it said on the bottle shake well before use. The next day she looked like the images i have put up all the leave have gone crispy they got rusty spots on themand alot have just fell off.I have gave her water tried spraying the leaves with water and nothing is helping do you think i can bring her back or should i just do what iwas going to do and scrap her. p.s my tried the spray on her rose bush and all the petels and leaves are died on that as well.



Active Member
I don't think bugs are the only issue here. Clearly this plant is deficient in several areas. I'm guessing this is an indoor plant getting poor lighting.


Well-Known Member
Okay i will do what i was going to do and just scrap her and she wasn't deficient the black fly spry did that to the leaves.


Well-Known Member
I don't think bugs are the only issue here. Clearly this plant is deficient in several areas. I'm guessing this is an indoor plant getting poor lighting.
I agree. The plant would look rough even if you didn't spray it. It looks a little stretched, hard to tell by pictures for sure, but soil looks wet. And why do you have just those few fan leaves on your plant? The less fan leaves you have, the less light the plant takes in. It's one thing to trim a few or tuck em in, but your plant looks butchered.


Well-Known Member
Did you take off all the leave earlier? She looks like it was defoliated on purpose. Not a good idea. But anyway, she's toast. Start over and don't take guesses next time. Sorry for your loss.


Active Member
What can do you to prevent this now. Is your area really humid and woodsy? if you start now you should get a good harvest in.


Well-Known Member
no i did not remove the fan leaves they fell of the spray i sprayed dryed them out and burnt them and they just fell off yes i do hate the little fucks also those fucking black fly :twisted:


Well-Known Member
could not get any neem oil i used rosemary oil
The oil did the most damage, don't spray any oils on plants, when it warms up under the light they tend to fry as your scraggly mite infested plant did.


Well-Known Member
she looks rough, but if Ya got the room, start another and try nursing her back to health...it will take time, but it would be a good learning tool, what's the worst that could happenand, your going to toss it anyway