I have a few questions...

Bill Smith

Active Member
Ok, I'm growing in northwest Georgia (USA). I'm growing in what I would call a "field". This field has this layer of dead leaves, pine straw, etc. So, in order to get to the dirt, I have to move it with a shovel or something else, but you get the picture. I was anxious to start growing this year so I went ahead and put down some seeds into the actual dirt. About 5 seeds sprouted, and are about a week old now. I put the plants WAY to close, so I'm going to have to dig them up and move them. And I also plan on growing more in this field.

Anyway, would it be beneficial for the seeds if I just put them in the dead leaf, pine straw and whatever else it is mixture, or should I move all of that off of the surface? And, how many square feet should each plant have to itself?

Also, what is the latest that you can start growing where I am?



Well-Known Member
I'd move the rotting shit away from the sprout or it could cause root rot by holding too much moisture. 1-2 feet away from each other depending on how bushy they get, 6" minimum. A full plant can occupy a square meter.

There are plenty of web sites that forecast the first & last frost dates of the season. You'll need at least 4-5 months before the first frost date in fall.


Well-Known Member
I would move all off the rotting shit from around the plants,but ther are some benifits to haveing all these dead greens around with a little rain they will make plenty of food for your plants.move them away from the seedling just leave a couple off ince clean all around the seedlings move too much and if any one did happen too stumble upon them you know the rest.i am a great beliver in plants should always be grown inside or at least in a greenhouse till they are a good 4 ince tall then i lollypop the plants this stops any nasty mother getting at your girls.but you seem to have done ok but if they are in the middle of a field i would put them in a more shelted spot.don't move them till they have at least 2 sets of true leaves on them.germanateing outside can only make for a hardy plant.it might even be worth takeing a small bit of chicen wire with you to put a small boundery around the plants just incase it gets windy 1 day the seedlings would stand more of a chance just cut a few strips say3 ince high bend this into a cicle and put some pegs in to stop any shit been blown onto the seedlings,just a thought i have done this my self years ago and it worked a treat.but future grows if you have no problem getting the plants too the grow area i would grow them at least to 1ft maybe 1 and harf this increases your chances by 100% has long has no one finds them you are guarented a nice big crop.


Active Member
yea im new to this but i have done enough reasearch to plant ur seeds quiet aways apart b/c wat if u get a male and a female beside each other the one plant will get messed up and u will have shity weed lol

Bill Smith

Active Member
I would move all off the rotting shit from around the plants,but ther are some benifits to haveing all these dead greens around with a little rain they will make plenty of food for your plants.move them away from the seedling just leave a couple off ince clean all around the seedlings move too much and if any one did happen too stumble upon them you know the rest.i am a great beliver in plants should always be grown inside or at least in a greenhouse till they are a good 4 ince tall then i lollypop the plants this stops any nasty mother getting at your girls.but you seem to have done ok but if they are in the middle of a field i would put them in a more shelted spot.don't move them till they have at least 2 sets of true leaves on them.germanateing outside can only make for a hardy plant.it might even be worth takeing a small bit of chicen wire with you to put a small boundery around the plants just incase it gets windy 1 day the seedlings would stand more of a chance just cut a few strips say3 ince high bend this into a cicle and put some pegs in to stop any shit been blown onto the seedlings,just a thought i have done this my self years ago and it worked a treat.but future grows if you have no problem getting the plants too the grow area i would grow them at least to 1ft maybe 1 and harf this increases your chances by 100% has long has no one finds them you are guarented a nice big crop.
A few days ago it snowed here, and I put some jars over them to insulate the seedlings. It worked , and it was supposed to (and it did) drop down to around freezing again the next day so I watered them and left the jars on them. I went out to them the next day and the smallest of them had dried up and died, I think because it was too insulated during the day from the jar, but the other 3 were doing good. Yesterday I went out to check up/water them and the biggest one has little yellow spots on its pointed leaves, and the other bigger one has very little yellow spots on it. I thought they might be getting a little too much sun to be this little because even though the field is gorwn up, they are in a little clearing where they get sun as long as the sun's up. The plants are now in a shaded area, and are in planting soil in jars until they get bigger.I read on here that somebody used mircale grow organic and it worked. I was thinking about getting some, but not using it until they get older.