I hate this..


Well-Known Member
Man, I'm dry, and last night my hips were hurting and I couldn't sleep. So I finally took two Flexiril, about 11pm, just so I could at least get to sleep and I am STILL f'ing borked out at 3pm. :? I do not dig this. If I'd taken a gigantic bong rip, I'd have been fine by morning. Ugh. I hope I can make a hook-up soon.

This is why I try not to take these pills, they bork me out.


Well-Known Member
Well I would trade, but, ya know... Distance + time wouldn't make it worth your while ;)


Well-Known Member
i feel your pain. i travel for work and am currently in gillette, wyoming.... i know.... probably never heard of it because there is a total of maybe 3000 people here! it sucks. i had a good job last month in san diego, even brought my girlfriend with me and we found a good ass hook up there. wyoming sucks. ive asked 7 people if they could get smoke and they all looked at me like i was crazy, 3 didnt even reply. i cant wait for this job to be over


New Member
shit i live in a town of like 4000 people and its like u ask one person and they either say no or point to u some one or ask how much cash u got and whip that shit out in public.


Well-Known Member
I keep my shit tight, most of my friends and neighbors have NO idea I burn. Actually, we only have three or four friends who know. It's not something I advertise, and where I am, I can't get a hook-up at 11pm. Hell, 8pm rolls around and everything's closed up. Winter is worse, 6pm and everything's closed.

I am just now feeling more back to normal. I knew there was a reason I like weed!


Well-Known Member
My girl gets horrible if we cant get a sack. When we were in San Diego it took a few days before we could get one and she was like a fuckin crackhead, didnt want to eat, hard to sleep. It sucks and all but I am a little more used to having to go periods of time without it. Just sucks when your sitting in a hotel room in a small town with nothing but a wal-mart and a few fast food resturaunts. Sometimes I think about trying that "legalbud" but havent got to that point yet. Anyone tried that?


Well-Known Member
damn sucks being dry
i will be there soon..just smoking the last of my indoor from last spring..
was to have some lowrydre ready, but they did not make it throw all the rain in june..
my outdoor freezeland should be ready 3 more weeks ..
i would share if i could.
i live in small town too ,do talk about winter it is depressing..
just think about that first hight when you get some..


Well-Known Member
I always put myself through dry spells, just to test myself, plus I like to clean out. But, when I do, I pay for it with my back and hips. That's really the problem, when I'm tired and want to sleep, am ready to sleep, but can't because of the pain in my hips. I have never had the kind of pain that kept me up at night before, so after a while it wears on you. It's been three years of this, only being able to really sleep on one side, and even that becomes painful after 45mins. to 1hr.

I've got a family member looking to hook me up, and I've been going outside and talking to the plants. I tell them, "Oh.. you're so pretty, you're gonna get me so high. Here, how about some water? Want some food?" And then I think about that Twilight Zone episode, the one where the aliens come to earth and start taking humans off earth. To eat them. :shock:


Well-Known Member
i hate flexarel i took 3 once driving up to LA and i have never taken them since. i felt like i was asleep and driving yet i was awake. bad neews i felt groggy for DAYS


Well-Known Member
Gillette huh? Wow, you are in the middle of nowhere. I thought Cheyenne was bad, but damn...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I didn't think it would last so long. It wasn't until.. jeez, I think it was about 3pm today that I finally started feeling normal. I was just so desperate to sleep last night, ya know?


Well-Known Member
Gillette huh? Wow, you are in the middle of nowhere. I thought Cheyenne was bad, but damn...

Yes, its is horrible since I am from Houston and used to having pretty much everything around. Good thing I am only here for work because there is no way I could live in a small town like this.


Well-Known Member
I always put myself through dry spells, just to test myself, plus I like to clean out. But, when I do, I pay for it with my back and hips. That's really the problem, when I'm tired and want to sleep, am ready to sleep, but can't because of the pain in my hips. I have never had the kind of pain that kept me up at night before, so after a while it wears on you. It's been three years of this, only being able to really sleep on one side, and even that becomes painful after 45mins. to 1hr.

I've got a family member looking to hook me up, and I've been going outside and talking to the plants. I tell them, "Oh.. you're so pretty, you're gonna get me so high. Here, how about some water? Want some food?" And then I think about that Twilight Zone episode, the one where the aliens come to earth and start taking humans off earth. To eat them. :shock:
"We translated the title.........IT'S A COOKBOOK!!!!" :evil: LMAOOOOooooo


New Member
neighbours know only because I wanted them to and they are cool
one friend knows I toke and thats it

I hate pills too:?
I keep my shit tight, most of my friends and neighbors have NO idea I burn. Actually, we only have three or four friends who know. It's not something I advertise, and where I am, I can't get a hook-up at 11pm. Hell, 8pm rolls around and everything's closed up. Winter is worse, 6pm and everything's closed.

I am just now feeling more back to normal. I knew there was a reason I like weed!


Well-Known Member
Word on the street is that as harvest approaches, things are drying up. Out here in Cali at least. Dave got a little bent that I took the pills, so now HE's trying to find some for me, he'd rather I burn than take pills.