I had to harvest early. 8 weeks

Due to maintainence checking sprinklers I had to chop everything up yesterday.

Story is yesterday was week 8 into flowering, and I got a message on my door monday saying they were going to do sprinkler inspections this week. Well before I even got the chance to cut it down maintainence came pounding on my door. I freaked out so hard didn't answer the door, and cut both my plants down. I just started cutting branches, and put them into like 3 trash bags.
I stuck them into the fridge for a couple of hours until I felt it was safe to trim them. Well they haven't come back, and I trimed the buds and put them into jars last night.

I put the jars in the fridge to preserve them until they inspect, and I can take them out to start drying.

So my question is will they be alright till I can take them out to dry? And I also think they were a week early. I didn't get a good look but I think the trichroms were turning amber and alot of the hairs were red. But it seemed like there was still a little growth on the buds out of nowhere. Think that will be a huge problem?

I got them hanging up now and drying with an 18" oscillating fan. What do you guys think? This was my first harvest after my first plant was stolen from outside like 5 years ago.
I'd give you a 100% chance of molding. Take em to a friends and cure them properly, and do it fast!
Even if they're in the fridge for 2 days tops until I can dry them freely? I would ask a friend to help but my plants stink badly, and that scares them. Plus I don't really trust my friends enough with it. It's like telling them not to eat the apple...


Well-Known Member
Mainly because you let the bud absorb all the humidity and moisture and then put into another airtight container while that moisture level is high. Trimmed or not, moist is moist and moist = mold... Just get them drying now while you can. Is there truly NO spot you can hang these at? :(
I can hang them in my garage but they will smell, and I'm not sure if they checked my sprinklers in there. I want to hang them in my closet where I was growing but I don't know if they are going to come back to inspect again today or if they'll come back to do the ones they missed at the end of the inspection. Also my garage will probably be kind of hot and humid since I live in Texas.

I really hope they inspect today so I can hang them up. I would hate for my hard work to be ruined.