I HAD TO DO IT! but did i kill them? root pruning..


ok so my plants roots were completely clogging my drainage hole and all tangled up in the drainage pipe and tight as hell so i couldnt pull them out of the hole. i trimmed back about 18" of fresh white net-like roots (not the tap root) on plants that are still in veg. they are about 18"-22" tall right now. the roots just completely took over the drain and backed up the entire flow of my botanicare microgarden "aero". i cut them right at the beginning of the drain and started unclogging the hole, its draining fine now.

1. has anyone had to do this?
2. is this REALLY BAD or not that big a deal?
3. what kind of damage/losses am i looking at?

all help needed.


Scientia Cannabis
am i looking at stunted growth? should i do a freshwater flush afterwards? how can i make this not that bad?
The growth will not be as fast as with "full" roots.
Cutting your plants always has consequences no matter where you do it (sometimes those consequences outway the fain).

I don't think your plants will take serious damage though if you made you sure you are doing this in a stable environment (pH, EC, temp etc.).
They will pull through, Cannabis is one of the most adaptable plants in the world.


Active Member
Cutting roots is ok, just make sure you leave some behind to help aid the regrowth. I used to cut my moms roots down every week to repot.


Ok thanks, I've read alot about ppl cutting the mothers roots but I intend on flowering this plant soon. Should I wait? Will the root pruning make or break my harvest or can I bounce back?


Well-Known Member
I say no need to wait. I cut off half of one plants root system cause it was clogging the drain and it was in stretch.
It grew the same as the other 4 that I didn't cut the roots. No difference at all.


Well-Known Member
I say no need to wait. I cut off half of one plants root system cause it was clogging the drain and it was in stretch.
It grew the same as the other 4 that I didn't cut the roots. No difference at all.
i did the same thing with a bubba kush i grew, was going to make it a mom so i put it in DWC then after about 2 weeks i decided to flower her put (root mass was already mostly in the res) so i cut off about 50% of the roots to get her in the E&G and she yielded me 2 oz's of fire (low yielding plant anyway) so you will be fine i just wouldnt mess with them in flower.


the plants did fine! if anything it slowy stunted growth which im not all the mad about cause im running out of room anyway. i just put them into flowering, im gonna add more pics soon but if you wanna check it out, its in the grow journal forum under the thread "1rst grow (2) DP Blueberry FEM (1) Dinafem Cheese"