i got your middle class....hanging

jeff f

New Member
okay, i have fucking had it up to here with this "help the middle class", and "middle class tax cut" bullshit. if you think cuz your "middle" class, you arent paying much in taxes....you are fucking looney.

i am a contractor which means i basically work different jobs for different payers. i keep as much off the books as possible but sometimes i am forced to put things on w-2's.

here is a w-2 statement from one of my employers/contractees.

the work is for 13 per hour, 61 hours

total 793
fed 66.68
ss 49.17
medc 11.5
state 24.35
local 32.93
retirmnt 59.48

total take home pay 548.26

on top of taking nearly one third of this measely check i just paid real estate taxes for my shit hole house in this shithole town, 758 bucks.

it cost me 158 a year to register my truck, 6 percent on everything purchased except food. about 25 percent of cell phone bill is tax. 50 cents on every gallon of gas. and i am not even including taxes on my sewer, electric, water, gas bills.

do the math. out of a week and a half worth of work, the govt CONFISCATED at least half my income. seriously, how does anybody feed a family on that. if i didnt have other income and was forced to work for 13 an hour, i would probably starve to death.

the poverty rate in this town, as measured by the public school free lunch program, is 64%. is it any wonder?

so next time you hear we dont need to cut govt, punch that person in the face and tell them to go fuck themselves. and if it makes you feel better, tell him its from jeff f.


Well-Known Member
okay, i have fucking had it up to here with this "help the middle class", and "middle class tax cut" bullshit. if you think cuz your "middle" class, you arent paying much in taxes....you are fucking looney.

i am a contractor which means i basically work different jobs for different payers. i keep as much off the books as possible but sometimes i am forced to put things on w-2's.

here is a w-2 statement from one of my employers/contractees.

the work is for 13 per hour, 61 hours

total 793
fed 66.68
ss 49.17
medc 11.5
state 24.35
local 32.93
retirmnt 59.48

total take home pay 548.26

on top of taking nearly one third of this measely check i just paid real estate taxes for my shit hole house in this shithole town, 758 bucks.

it cost me 158 a year to register my truck, 6 percent on everything purchased except food. about 25 percent of cell phone bill is tax. 50 cents on every gallon of gas. and i am not even including taxes on my sewer, electric, water, gas bills.

do the math. out of a week and a half worth of work, the govt CONFISCATED at least half my income. seriously, how does anybody feed a family on that. if i didnt have other income and was forced to work for 13 an hour, i would probably starve to death.

the poverty rate in this town, as measured by the public school free lunch program, is 64%. is it any wonder?

so next time you hear we dont need to cut govt, punch that person in the face and tell them to go fuck themselves. and if it makes you feel better, tell him its from jeff f.
nobody is forcing you to do any of that stuff


Well-Known Member
okay, i have fucking had it up to here with this "help the middle class", and "middle class tax cut" bullshit. if you think cuz your "middle" class, you arent paying much in taxes....you are fucking looney.

i am a contractor which means i basically work different jobs for different payers. i keep as much off the books as possible but sometimes i am forced to put things on w-2's.

here is a w-2 statement from one of my employers/contractees.

the work is for 13 per hour, 61 hours

total 793
fed 66.68
ss 49.17
medc 11.5
state 24.35
local 32.93
retirmnt 59.48

total take home pay 548.26

on top of taking nearly one third of this measely check i just paid real estate taxes for my shit hole house in this shithole town, 758 bucks.

it cost me 158 a year to register my truck, 6 percent on everything purchased except food. about 25 percent of cell phone bill is tax. 50 cents on every gallon of gas. and i am not even including taxes on my sewer, electric, water, gas bills.

do the math. out of a week and a half worth of work, the govt CONFISCATED at least half my income. seriously, how does anybody feed a family on that. if i didnt have other income and was forced to work for 13 an hour, i would probably starve to death.

the poverty rate, as measured by the public school free lunch program, is 64%. is it any wonder?

so next time you hear we dont need to cut govt, punch that person in the face and tell them to go fuck themselves. and if it makes you feel better, tell him its from jeff f.
while i too like cash in hand work there is a point where if everyone does cash in hand then taxes on the declarable stuff has to go up. if everyone (including super rich (who hide most thier earnings)) paids thier taxes in full then it might even out a bit more...


Well-Known Member
Welcome to America, land of the "free"...

I wish I had your "troubles"....

Next time you want to bitch about having a job and getting 61 hours of pay, consider the fact that some people have been looking for work for sometime. Some have lost houses and you bitch about a $758 tax bill. Mine is over $2k....

Boo Hoo.....

jeff f

New Member
Welcome to America, land of the "free"...

I wish I had your "troubles"....

Next time you want to bitch about having a job and getting 61 hours of pay, consider the fact that some people have been looking for work for sometime. Some have lost houses and you bitch about a $758 tax bill. Mine is over $2k....

Boo Hoo.....
I am not crying or whining. i am saying the fucking govt is raping the middle class. and because most people dont bother to look at their pay statement, they dont know exactly how much these lying fuckers are taking from them.

i am actually very fortunate and realize that. if you are down on your luck i am sorry and wish you and your fmily nothing but the best. but when obama says i HAVE to buy medical insurance i dont need? i can freely say, hey mr president, suck my balls.

lost a house? welcome to my world 5 years ago....the bitch got everything ;-)

or i could just do like wordz did and become a full time drug dealer.....


Well-Known Member
I am not crying or whining. i am saying the fucking govt is raping the middle class. and because most people dont bother to look at their pay statement, they dont know exactly how much these lying fuckers are taking from them.

i am actually very fortunate and realize that. if you are down on your luck i am sorry and wish you and your fmily nothing but the best. but when obama says i HAVE to buy medical insurance i dont need? i can freely say, hey mr president, suck my balls.

lost a house? welcome to my world 5 years ago....the bitch got everything ;-)

or i could just do like wordz did and become a full time drug dealer.....
lol that's me just another pablo escobar


Well-Known Member
maybe if the upper class and corporations had to actually pay a fair share on their taxes like everyone else has to and not have 90,000 loopholes to avoid paying any on what they are supposed to pay in addition to paying a fraction of their income compared to us the middle class could recover. Some think we should borrow like 700 billion dollars from china so those guys and corporations can keep their undeserved tax cuts going for a few more years.........its only gonna get worse. Big business and the lobbyist have won again and will win in the end no matter what happens or who they do or dont support politically, someone is always willing to take a bribe and now those corporations can spend unlimited $$$ to ensure they do whats best for them while fucking everyone else over and its perfectly legal. Thats what disgusts me, fuck big oil and big business and all that shit, they are holding us hostage by saying they will raise their prices if they get taxed any more than they are now and have to pay their fir share which is still a tiny percent and they are making billions of profit a month......


Well-Known Member
nobody is forcing you to do any of that stuff
Well no one except the Federal Government, the State Government, the County Government and the City government that is. Stop paying your property tax and income tax, see how fast you get "Forced" into something you don't want to do.

Some think we should borrow like 700 billion dollars from china so those guys and corporations can keep their undeserved tax cuts going for a few more years.........
China no longer buys US Treasuries, they are net sellers now. To get 700 billion Dollars the Fed will have to directly monetize the debt. Which basically means that YOU and I will pay the 700 billion through lost purchasing power of the Dollar. They will call it Quantitative Easing, just wait and see.

jeff f

New Member
Thats what disgusts me, fuck big oil and big business and all that shit, they are holding us hostage by saying they will raise their prices if they get taxed any more than they are now and have to pay their fir share which is still a tiny percent and they are making billions of profit a month......
the only thing big oil ever did for me was let me buy gas at very reasonable prices to power my truck and tools. they supply jet fuel so i can fly anywhere in the world i want at a very cheap price. big business, all they ever did to me was allow me to purchase some pretty damn good tools, a great truck, nice tires and cheap clothes and food.

the govt, they just keep CONFISCATING my income without consulting me and giving it to people who havent earned any of it.

so why am i mad at oil again?


Well-Known Member
Born free, taxed to death!

Im a contract laborer too man, and I also get raped on taxes. Big business might make our lives easier, but they still have a big hand in political influence which in turn screws us. Maybe the anger should be directed toward capitalism and how it is heavily exploited at our expense.


Well-Known Member
I retract that. The more that I think about it, blaming capitalism is like blaming guns for killing people. no?.. Either way. Fuck the government!

jeff f

New Member
I retract that. The more that I think about it, blaming capitalism is like blaming guns for killing people. no?.. Either way. Fuck the government!
yes, thats pretty much what george washington said, fuck the govt.

its not capitalists that are confiscating your check. dont know if your union or not, i am not. but think about this for a second. when you earn your regular money, you get taxed a certain rate. when you earn overtime money, you get taxed at a higher, totally different rate. when you earn time and a half, after taxes, you are basically earning the same per hour becasue of a tax burden. thats criminal

is that because the govt thinks you are earniing enough and dont deserve those extra dollars? it is punishment to the middle class. and if you earn your money at a per hour rate, there is no doubt you are middle class.

unless you are john kerry, then just marry rich.....twice


Undercover Mod
Your part of the working class, not the middle class. You don't earn enough to be considered middle class.

Oh yeah, when the Bush tax cuts expire, you will be paying more taxes unless Obama's plan doesn't go through. He wants to keep tax cuts for only the people who make less than 250,000 a year.

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
so why am i mad at oil again?
You should be mad as hell that they supply a product that's there when you need it, at a reasonable price and 8% profit margin. Thats enough to make 'progressives' mad as hell... Get with the program... :mrgreen:

Not to mention taking away all the "corporate welfare", and instead taxing the fuck out of them. A tax that YOU will actually pay... you want to pay more right??


Well-Known Member
okay, i have fucking had it up to here with this "help the middle class", and "middle class tax cut" bullshit. if you think cuz your "middle" class, you arent paying much in taxes....you are fucking looney.
What? Are you saying that somehow someone is saying that there shouldnt be a extension of the middle class tax breaks? You do get that is what everyone is saying to do right?

here is a w-2 statement from one of my employers/contractees.

the work is for 13 per hour, 61 hours

total 793
fed 66.68
ss 49.17
medc 11.5
state 24.35
local 32.93
retirmnt 59.48

total take home pay 548.26

on top of taking nearly one third of this measely check i just paid real estate taxes for my shit hole house in this shithole town, 758 bucks.

it cost me 158 a year to register my truck, 6 percent on everything purchased except food. about 25 percent of cell phone bill is tax. 50 cents on every gallon of gas. and i am not even including taxes on my sewer, electric, water, gas bills.

do the math. out of a week and a half worth of work, the govt CONFISCATED at least half my income. seriously, how does anybody feed a family on that. if i didnt have other income and was forced to work for 13 an hour, i would probably starve to death.
How much do you benefit from having the cell service, highways and side streets, clean water ect. Do you think that the few dollars you toss at it a month really covers the entire cost? You benefit so much more from the money spent than you care to realize. Yeah there is a good amount of money that gets wasted, but for the most part the benefits that come from those taxes we pay is huge.

the poverty rate in this town, as measured by the public school free lunch program, is 64%. is it any wonder?

so next time you hear we dont need to cut govt, punch that person in the face and tell them to go fuck themselves. and if it makes you feel better, tell him its from jeff f.
Maybe if there was less poverty where you live there would be more money going into the system and you would see things actually improving. All of those people have opportunities to get a education and develop new skills through government programs with community colleges and local schools. That would not only mean they are contributing more to society, but there would be less burden on us all because they would not need the help.

So next time I hear someone whining about poor them and paying taxes, I will try to just roll my eyes and allow them their pity party. If its one of those occasions that I am unable to I will ask them what have they done to improve their situation, or maybe how much they have benefited from the things we take for granted that would never be there if not for government spending.

China no longer buys US Treasuries, they are net sellers now. To get 700 billion Dollars the Fed will have to directly monetize the debt. Which basically means that YOU and I will pay the 700 billion through lost purchasing power of the Dollar. They will call it Quantitative Easing, just wait and see.
Come on NoD, anytime the Fed buys treasuries on the market (putting currency into bank vaults) it is called Quantitative easing. And they do that in times they are trying to get more money into the system (like a deflationary time we are in now). This is like predicting if the snow plows come out when it snows it means that there is going to be a cut in taxi service. Meaningless, even if they happen at the same time one doesn't cause the other.

China uses Treasuries for transactions, just like the rest of the world. Did you know that CHina is doing their own massive stimulus and spending a ton of money at the moment, which may well be the reason they have less treasuries (through using them to buy the supplies to build stuff)


jeff f

New Member
What? Are you saying that somehow someone is saying that there shouldnt be a extension of the middle class tax breaks? You do get that is what everyone is saying to do right?

How much do you benefit from having the cell service, highways and side streets, clean water ect. Do you think that the few dollars you toss at it a month really covers the entire cost? You benefit so much more from the money spent than you care to realize. Yeah there is a good amount of money that gets wasted, but for the most part the benefits that come from those taxes we pay is huge.

Maybe if there was less poverty where you live there would be more money going into the system and you would see things actually improving. All of those people have opportunities to get a education and develop new skills through government programs with community colleges and local schools. That would not only mean they are contributing more to society, but there would be less burden on us all because they would not need the help.

So next time I hear someone whining about poor them and paying taxes, I will try to just roll my eyes and allow them their pity party. If its one of those occasions that I am unable to I will ask them what have they done to improve their situation, or maybe how much they have benefited from the things we take for granted that would never be there if not for government spending.

Come on NoD, anytime the Fed buys treasuries on the market (putting currency into bank vaults) it is called Quantitative easing. And they do that in times they are trying to get more money into the system (like a deflationary time we are in now). This is like predicting if the snow plows come out when it snows it means that there is going to be a cut in taxi service. Meaningless, even if they happen at the same time one doesn't cause the other.

China uses Treasuries for transactions, just like the rest of the world. Did you know that CHina is doing their own massive stimulus and spending a ton of money at the moment, which may well be the reason they have less treasuries (through using them to buy the supplies to build stuff)

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so the govt is STILL the answer......like talkin to a wall.


Well-Known Member
Come on NoD, anytime the Fed buys treasuries on the market (putting currency into bank vaults) it is called Quantitative easing. And they do that in times they are trying to get more money into the system (like a deflationary time we are in now). This is like predicting if the snow plows come out when it snows it means that there is going to be a cut in taxi service. Meaningless, even if they happen at the same time one doesn't cause the other.

China uses Treasuries for transactions, just like the rest of the world. Did you know that CHina is doing their own massive stimulus and spending a ton of money at the moment, which may well be the reason they have less treasuries (through using them to buy the supplies to build stuff)

View attachment 1164921
When the fed buys treasuries from the Dealers it is called Open Market Operations. When the Fed directly purchases treasuries from the treasury and credits the account of the US Treasury its called QE. QE is direct debt monetization, the interest gets paid through inflation. Open Market Operations are used to keep the Bond yield at low levels which used to help the economy by making it much cheaper to borrow money. QE2 is a last resort hail mary pass to keep the system afloat.

When the dollar index drops that means your dollar is devalued. Treasuries are denominated in dollars. China wants their purchases to retain full value, that is why they are dumping their treasuries and are no longer buying anew.

Check the USDX chart, the dollar is losing value quickly.Zeal072707A.gif Gold is gaining value quickly, you only need to look at either one to see where the nation is headed. Soon enough everyone will try to get rid of US treasuries and there will be a flood of them on the market almost overnight. This will send the dollar to the grave. Just watch as Gold makes new all time highs again and again and again and again.

Gold is in limited supply, it can take a decade to begin production on a new mine. In the dollar’s case, its supply is unlimited. The US Fed can and does create as many dollars out of thin air as its political masters in Washington demand. Want big government? Want welfare? Want wars? Want to buy votes? All this stuff is extraordinarily expensive. So the Fed wishes new dollars into existence to “pay for” anything the politicians can dream up. Naturally the result is accelerating monetary inflation and rapidly ramping dollar supplies.
But the problem is the world is already swimming in dollars. Foreigners hold vast amounts of Washington’s paper and are heavily overexposed to the dollar. Even if the dollar was strong, it would still be prudent to diversify which would decrease dollar demand. On top of diversification there are big reasons to sell dollars worldwide, including its six-year-old bear, frustrations with Washington’s imperialist foreign policies, and superior returns available in other major countries’ currencies and bonds. The charts certainly show that there has been greatly decreased demand for the Dollar and Dollar denominated debt.

Your faith in the Dollar is going to make you wake up one day and realize you have been hoodwinked.


Well-Known Member
jeff needs a little crash course in public finance in the US.

let me put it this way: if your household earns less than 70k, you're costing the higher tax brackets money. that's right. what you pay in taxes doesn't cover what keeping YOU on the road, your cell phone working, the power lines in place, some soldiers in afganistan fighting for you..........

so FUCK you.

jeff f

New Member
jeff needs a little crash course in public finance in the US.

let me put it this way: if your household earns less than 70k, you're costing the higher tax brackets money. that's right. what you pay in taxes doesn't cover what keeping YOU on the road, your cell phone working, the power lines in place, some soldiers in afganistan fighting for you..........

so FUCK you.
i know you are right. more bigger govt will surely be better.......duh