I Got Acouple Questions Need Advice


ok im just wondering how often you should water your plants ? and if the watering patterns change at all during the plants life ? also wat wattage should u use in the florescent lights for say 5 plants ?


Active Member
Don't get T12 (shop light) florescents. Get High Output T5 florescents with the 6500K grow bulbs or 3000K bloom bulbs. 4' x 8 bulb. You'll get around 40,000 lumins.

I stick my finger in the soil and when the top is dry and the soil is dry down to around 2", I water but don't drench.


also is there a cool florescent light and a warm florescent light and should i use both at the same time or does it matter ? also one last thing do u use both soil and rock wool or just either soil or rock wool ?