I Got a Problem for the Pros to Figure Out


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt be to sure of that. Salt is a very tricky element man. It's will build where ever it can and unfortunately salt has a wonderful relationship with just about anything when it comes to clogging a system. That and hard water. But that's neither here nor there. So we look to the plant itself. .... Here is an option. She got diseased while clipping. U didn't clone the clone right...or something like that. Cuz I mean from the bottom up? Rapidly? How fast we talking here.? A day? Two? Three? Less than a day?? Lol I'm thinking that if you pull the butch out u will see some signs if disease or defect. Be it the cloning gel or powder u used didn't work correctly on this cutting. Or maybe she is anorexic man?

As far as posting pics from an iPhone I wouldnt. Do u not have a compy?


Well-Known Member
I mean u gave this plant life!! Again!!! Lol it's gotta have it's own separate life force after the clipping u know? Lol this bitch is prob just emo or Something and is abusing herself in ur clock. I would yank that bitches hair and have a look under her Carriage.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you guys do need to see some pics.... Again, anyone knows how to get them on here from iPhone, I will postem up asap.... Or if anyone isreally interested, shoot me an email address and I will email pics and see what kind of diagnosis we get then.... Remember too, I am not new to growing... I was born and raised in Humboldt, started Humboldt Hydroponics over ten years ago and took second place in the big show with a White Rhino over 12 years ago.... I'm not trying to be an ass, just wouldn't have ever posted this if it wasn't a true problem for a Master grower.... All help I'd absolutely welcomed, sincerely..... But leave out thr silly stuff and the things that anyone that has spent a little time growing knows..... If you want to be respected then please just keep it real, smoke a bowl, and dig deep for this marijuana plant problem solution.


Rebel From The North
If your going to use a iphone you need to tranfer them to a computer then scrub them
Iphone pics have gps tracking data on them and you need to erase meta data,


Well-Known Member
I definitely don't care about being tracked... I comply with all laws.... Definiely one for liberalizing the entire nature of cannabis as a whole.... And no, I don't have a computer anymore....


Well-Known Member
Send the pics from your phone to your email, dl them and post them as attachment your don't need to use a third party site


Rebel From The North
I run aero among all sorts of hydro and a clogged sprayer isnt going to cause yellowing and as he stated
The next plant to the one thats yellowing is also yellowing, so the problen lies im sure in ph issue causing
A nitrogen/mag lock out. Not going to know what one it is till he posts pics. As also stated he had above
72f water temps and this can cause pythium to take affect and swing the ph thus causing the lock out.

A clogged jet is going to cause a dead droopy wilted plant.


Well-Known Member
I run aero among all sorts of hydro and a clogged sprayer isnt going to cause yellowing and as he stated
The next plant to the one thats yellowing is also yellowing, so the problen lies im sure in ph issue causing
A nitrogen/mag lock out. Not going to know what one it is till he posts pics. As also stated he had above
72f water temps and this can cause pythium to take affect and swing the ph thus causing the lock out.

if a plant isn't getting fed it will turn yellow, with mutiple jets the other plants next to it would be getting fed. if it was water temps , I think all plants would have symptoms. I'm out.


Rebel From The North
As he stated already as i have to other plants are showing signs to. Ive never seen one in aero go yellow
Due to a sprayer but anything posable just not likely


Well-Known Member
It gets plenty of water, the drain is gravity, so all the water sprayed runs through the tubes past over the root zone and back to reservoir.... I in all honesty dint even need the aero heads, could just run it top feed and gravity to rea/ drain.....


Well-Known Member
If you guys type in the search, 6" vertical octagon you can see pics of my system and setup.... Then just imagine one of the plants right in the middle of the top teer turning all yellow when the rest are green


Rebel From The North
Ive given all i can think it could be. Ph issue locking out the nitro/mag likely is the cause to the yellowing.
For a salution, start a flush and start back on nutes at 1/4 the nute mix when things get better
Then move back to full feeding. Yellow leave will always be yellow so watch new growth


Well-Known Member
Did you read the beginning of my post... I have my ph monitored nonstop I change my reservoirs every seven days I run nutes high enough to burn tips and have one plant in a contained system out of 32 that Is yellowing rapidly when the REST, other then the one just down from it are as healthy as can be..... Come on people.... Look beyond the basics and read carefully... I know one of you has the answer


Rebel From The North
Ph meters go bad! Having to much of one thing can lock out another so
Having high ppm might not be such a good idea and its posable you might
Of answered your own Q hope you figure it out


Well-Known Member
he doesnt have high ppm... hello 500 isnt that high. so consider what i had sadi previously maybe you fucked up on the clipping the roots are damaged and just didnt grow right. or maybe recalibrate your ph pen so you can be sure to rule that out. then rip the bitch out of the hole and examine the stressor