I Dont Smoke and Nor do I sell...


Well-Known Member
I take care of my mother who is very ill. Many conditions are consuming her, such as; hypertension, COPD, insomnia, loss of appetite (she weighs 99 lbs), colon cancer survivor (chemo therapy and radiation was performed to treat this illness back in 1985), she has severe depression, chronic arthritis, severe back pain, and hypothyroidism. I asked my mom to smoke a little weed about 6 months ago. She smoked it and she was at the beginning a little skeptical on the outcome. The first night she told me she slept amazingly. She had stopped taking sleeping meds and starting taking a couple hits off the bowl a week later. She told me that the numbness sensation she had in her lower extremities was gone or not as noticeable. She stopped taking the meds to reduce the numbness! Her appetite increased ten fold and her weight gain in one month was 8 lbs to 107 lbs. Before the weed she was steady at 99-101 lbs for 2 years. Her depression has decreased significantly and motivation for life has returned big time. I was never a believer in marijuana as being a cure all drug per say but I know how much it has changed my mom. I take care of her on a full time basis and unfortunately I live in the only New England State where it is illegal for marijuana to be used by such patients. I had even asked her PCP about the possibility of marijuana, and I was shot down before I could even get a sentence in. The doctors are sales people for the prescription medical companies and that's why they make so much. I am growing a few plants for my mom because I believe I can do it for one, and because I don't want to have to drive into a ghetto constantly to pick up weed. Not only because of the dangers and hassle of doing so but because the quality of weed is not as beneficial as a strain that is made for medical purposes. I just hope that if and when I get busted by police that they will understand why I am doing what Im doing and not immediately charge me as a criminal. I have a great job with amazing pay and I don't need to sell drugs to make a paycheck and nor will I. I just want the best for my mom and that's the bottom line. She wiped my ass when I couldn't now I need to help her, and make her quality of life better as much as I can!!!

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I take care of my mother who is very ill. Many conditions are consuming her, such as; hypertension, COPD, insomnia, loss of appetite (she weighs 99 lbs), colon cancer survivor (chemo therapy and radiation was performed to treat this illness back in 1985), she has severe depression, chronic arthritis, severe back pain, and hypothyroidism. I asked my mom to smoke a little weed about 6 months ago. She smoked it and she was at the beginning a little skeptical on the outcome. The first night she told me she slept amazingly. She had stopped taking sleeping meds and starting taking a couple hits off the bowl a week later. She told me that the numbness sensation she had in her lower extremities was gone or not as noticeable. She stopped taking the meds to reduce the numbness! Her appetite increased ten fold and her weight gain in one month was 8 lbs to 107 lbs. Before the weed she was steady at 99-101 lbs for 2 years. Her depression has decreased significantly and motivation for life has returned big time. I was never a believer in marijuana as being a cure all drug per say but I know how much it has changed my mom. I take care of her on a full time basis and unfortunately I live in the only New England State where it is illegal for marijuana to be used by such patients. I had even asked her PCP about the possibility of marijuana, and I was shot down before I could even get a sentence in. The doctors are sales people for the prescription medical companies and that's why they make so much. I am growing a few plants for my mom because I believe I can do it for one, and because I don't want to have to drive into a ghetto constantly to pick up weed. Not only because of the dangers and hassle of doing so but because the quality of weed is not as beneficial as a strain that is made for medical purposes. I just hope that if and when I get busted by police that they will understand why I am doing what Im doing and not immediately charge me as a criminal. I have a great job with amazing pay and I don't need to sell drugs to make a paycheck and nor will I. I just want the best for my mom and that's the bottom line. She wiped my ass when I couldn't now I need to help her, and make her quality of life better as much as I can!!!
Put on a Bob Marley record and share some quality time with your mum bro, you know she will pass that shit.

All The Cool Caregivers Are Doing It!


Well-Known Member
I take care of my mother who is very ill. Many conditions are consuming her, such as; hypertension, COPD, insomnia, loss of appetite (she weighs 99 lbs), colon cancer survivor (chemo therapy and radiation was performed to treat this illness back in 1985), she has severe depression, chronic arthritis, severe back pain, and hypothyroidism. I asked my mom to smoke a little weed about 6 months ago. She smoked it and she was at the beginning a little skeptical on the outcome. The first night she told me she slept amazingly. She had stopped taking sleeping meds and starting taking a couple hits off the bowl a week later. She told me that the numbness sensation she had in her lower extremities was gone or not as noticeable. She stopped taking the meds to reduce the numbness! Her appetite increased ten fold and her weight gain in one month was 8 lbs to 107 lbs. Before the weed she was steady at 99-101 lbs for 2 years. Her depression has decreased significantly and motivation for life has returned big time. I was never a believer in marijuana as being a cure all drug per say but I know how much it has changed my mom. I take care of her on a full time basis and unfortunately I live in the only New England State where it is illegal for marijuana to be used by such patients. I had even asked her PCP about the possibility of marijuana, and I was shot down before I could even get a sentence in. The doctors are sales people for the prescription medical companies and that's why they make so much. I am growing a few plants for my mom because I believe I can do it for one, and because I don't want to have to drive into a ghetto constantly to pick up weed. Not only because of the dangers and hassle of doing so but because the quality of weed is not as beneficial as a strain that is made for medical purposes. I just hope that if and when I get busted by police that they will understand why I am doing what Im doing and not immediately charge me as a criminal. I have a great job with amazing pay and I don't need to sell drugs to make a paycheck and nor will I. I just want the best for my mom and that's the bottom line. She wiped my ass when I couldn't now I need to help her, and make her quality of life better as much as I can!!!
I read this and it makes me so happy I supply a man that I have worked for for 4 years hes a cancer patient no card but man he says that these meds help him bunches...this.plant helps many including me as I sit here with horrible stomach pains as I type...your are a good man and a great son I wish you the best in your and your moms future...tell her some random guy on the internet said stay strong and live on


Active Member
I just hope that if and when I get busted by police that they will understand why I am doing what Im doing and not immediately charge me as a criminal.
Cops are as varied as people; many are just dicks looking to make a bust and leave the "judging" to the courts...some are dicks and are the judges themselves...a few might let you go, but I doubt it.... our/your only hope is those narrow minded/judgmental/holier than tho conservative types are human enough to see past their bibles and let us tax payers use Gods tools anyway we see fit


Well-Known Member
I just hope that if and when I get busted by police that they will understand why I am doing what Im doing and not immediately charge me as a criminal.

You.... Are Not going to get busted....
You have Good Karma....
Just do not tell anyone...
And always hide the smell...
I feel for you dude... you are doing the right thing...
If everyone did as you are doing, there would be no need for MJ laws...
Because we would all be doing the right thing...


Well-Known Member
....As more and more stories like yours become known, it is that which is fueling the fires of change that cannot be held back much longer. Not long ago I wondered if it would happen in my lifetime in my state. In just a short amount of time, I know now that it will.
Because of politicians it takes a long time, but eventually the will of the people will be done and now, the numbers of those who approve of the use of mj are rising every day. A few states have led the way. The rest will inevitably follow.
And it will be stories like yours that make it all happen.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your comments and support. It's my duty to take care of my mother and I will do so no matter what. If her quality of life is improved by smoking marijuana, then I will grow her the best there is.

TN Jedeye

You know that you're doing the right thing. Take all the necessary precautions....use carbon filters, avoid light and sound leaks, and DON'T TELL A SOUL THAT YOU'RE GROWING...and you won't get busted. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, and I'm paraphrasing, an unjust law is no law at all, and as a true patriot you are duty bound to disobey it. Stay strong, be smart, and take care of your mother.


Well-Known Member
Cops are as varied as people; many are just dicks looking to make a bust and leave the "judging" to the courts...some are dicks and are the judges themselves...a few might let you go, but I doubt it.... our/your only hope is those narrow minded/judgmental/holier than tho conservative types are human enough to see past their bibles and let us tax payers use Gods tools anyway we see fit
Wow, is that Giant Robot in your avatar? I haven't seen that since I was like, little.


Well-Known Member
I just lost my Mother to cancer around a month ago... To cancer. She was fine 1 day, the next she was in the hospital finding out she was in stage 4 cancer! They didn't have time to even treat her. She made it 2 weeks after finding out she had cancer. :(

I smoked with my Mother, (when I had any blueberry strains). So, I had started 4 Blueberry Yum Yums before I found out the awfull news. She ended up passing away, I still have all 4 Blueberry Yum Yum's going now in flower. Sure wished she could've got to try them. When Mom did smoke, she would eat better, and just be in a "better" mood and wouldn't hurt like she did b4 smoking. I'm happy to hear that they atleast caught your Mothers in time to treat. And I was glad to read that your taking the time to care for her aswell. I stayed by my Mothers side the entire 2 weeks she had left, not leaving her side and took care of her.. So I can say I know what your going through.. Stay strong & keep up the good work. Thanks 4 sharing your story, and God bless you & your Mother.. ;)

Thanks again, Dank.

Thank you all for your comments and support. It's my duty to take care of my mother and I will do so no matter what. If her quality of life is improved by smoking marijuana, then I will grow her the best there is.


New Member
Thank you all for your comments and support. It's my duty to take care of my mother and I will do so no matter what. If her quality of life is improved by smoking marijuana, then I will grow her the best there is.
Cpappa27...I feel for your position. Fuck the police, fuck the government, and FUCK the system...WE are talking about your Mother! Its not the best position to be in but...YOU are her Guardian Angel at this point, don't let the system tell you how to treat her. Have you looked into Hemp oil treatment for her? Look of "Rick Simpson" or "Run from a cure"...This saved my life with my battle and many others worse off then myself. PM me if you have any questions bud and Keep it up, your doing the right thing...JAS

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Just a minute, something's in my eye... Ok

Everyone deserves safe access to cannabis.
If you're going to tax it, nothing above ordinary sales tax. Medical use should be tax free.
Everyone that wants to should be able to grow it.
The government has been fucking us for years over this, now they want to make money on it? GTFO!


I quit smoking 10 years ago, but started again so my mom wouldn't be alone; I'm caring for her by myself too. My Mother has stage IV HER2+ breast cancer that metastasized to her bones. My educated opinion dictates that cannatonic by resin seeds is the best option. There's more high cbd strains now available, but cannatonic is the only one of its kind, a miracle strain some people have said. You can make concentrates from it that won't over power your mom psychologically; oil from this strain is also given to small children with cancer, and its also used to stop seizures. Cannabis is proven to reduce inflammation, and help with pain caused by neuropothy and other disorders.

When I was looking for beans, resin seeds had gotten raided; the cops went straight for the seeded cannatonic mothers and chop chop. If you need a discount on anything, there's a compassionate fellow in the UK that'll beat attitude's, or anyone's prices; he donated a lot of freebies to my mom, & even offered some meds too. He also has two high cbd strains from Colorado, Zotto6 & Betty Blue. He's such a great guy, and often breaks himself financially helping others. Loose lips sink ships, and every person that knows about your grow increases your chances of getting popped by the law by 10%; a light proof tent is great, and a carbon filter to absorb odor is a must. I don't think cops are focusing too much on cancer patients, they're looking for mack daddy kicking that pimp shit, with the new ride and fancy jewelry. But discretion rules the day!

I took my mom to her oncology appointment today, she's had too much chemo and wanted to take a hiatus for a couple weeks; the Dr tried everything to get her in the infusion suite, but with my help, she didn't take chemo today; I firmly believe it could've killed her. I have some info you might find helpful for your mom, some is shocking, but effective; if interested, send me a pm.

We need a government, or else chaos and anarchy would ensue; man has dominion over plant and animal life; it should be a crime for any gov to take away a man's dominion, or his birth right to treat himself from sickness. W.R. Hearst's greed and his hatred of Mexican people helped get prohibition started, it will require the opposite to get rid of it. He had a home which sat on millions of acres of land stolen from murdered Peons in Mexico. Do your research folks, Hearst & Anslinger, aka Shitslinger got away with prohibition because Juries aren't made aware of their powers to nullify a bad law; even today, judges do not inform juries of their sacred power, which was established by the founding fathers to insure that all legislation was made legitimate by the people thru Juries, or shot down as illegitimate by the same. How long would prohibition last if every Jury pool understood they had the power to free a man charged with possession by nullifying the law, and legally finding him not guilty? Think about it, and spread the word!


New Member
Dont worry my man, keep up doing what you are doing. Your story is the reason why everyone loves the herb. Plus, there is no reason you should get caught. Tell no one, keep it between you two and things will be under the radar. No worries!


Well-Known Member
I f$$$$n love you all. I was and still am a little nervous living in one of the most strictest states in the US against this doing. I understand the risks and Im not doing it for the wrongs reason (buying nice car, rims, jewelry, etc) Im doing it so my mother can live the last days of her life with some happiness. It brings a tear to my eye every day when I think of what she has gone through and I would never wish it on anyone. I just want her to be happy and if that makes me an f'ing criminal then we have major problems in todays society and law. Im not booting her up with heroin, or laying out lines of coke. I am growing a few medical MJ strains that she would benefit from and if it makes her happy and her quality of life is improved by even .000001% then ya know what its worth it. Let the law call me a criminal. Theyre f'ing robots anyways in most cases and have no heart or soul. Get the job done and get a paycheck. F it. If I ever do get busted well I will come to the RIU community for support and tell my story all over again and maybe that will make a difference. I thank you all so much, I really do with all my heart. God bless you all.


I f$$$$n love you all. I was and still am a little nervous living in one of the most strictest states in the US against this doing. I understand the risks and Im not doing it for the wrongs reason (buying nice car, rims, jewelry, etc) Im doing it so my mother can live the last days of her life with some happiness. It brings a tear to my eye every day when I think of what she has gone through and I would never wish it on anyone. I just want her to be happy and if that makes me an f'ing criminal then we have major problems in todays society and law. Im not booting her up with heroin, or laying out lines of coke. I am growing a few medical MJ strains that she would benefit from and if it makes her happy and her quality of life is improved by even .000001% then ya know what its worth it. Let the law call me a criminal. Theyre f'ing robots anyways in most cases and have no heart or soul. Get the job done and get a paycheck. F it. If I ever do get busted well I will come to the RIU community for support and tell my story all over again and maybe that will make a difference. I thank you all so much, I really do with all my heart. God bless you all.
You must check out projectcbd, the site has a lot of helpful info, and a lot of strain names that are rich in CBD. Cannabidial is a wonder drug, when its combined with other cannabinoids it helps to stop suffering, among. I hope you find what your mom really needs, oils are key, it will reduce pain, inflammation and might even provide her with a cure. Peace!