I don't like the Volcano Vaporizer!

Hi folks, I shelled out 6 big ones on the Volcano and I'm not really impressed.

To start, it's been 2 weeks (And I've used it everyday) and at this point I don't think I can get any dense smoke in the bag. Even if I put a new batch in the bowl! Even @ 6-7 setting. Does it mean its broken? or is it just dirty because of my usage?

Also, I find the high is very different. It does not last as long as the smoking a J high. It's definitely more cerebral. The J is a much more body high.

Can you g uys give me tips on the volcano? hints? suggestions? am I doing something wrong?

when I first got it the vapor was badass now it's unamusing.


New Member
Hi folks, I shelled out 6 big ones on the Volcano and I'm not really impressed.

To start, it's been 2 weeks (And I've used it everyday) and at this point I don't think I can get any dense smoke in the bag. Even if I put a new batch in the bowl! Even @ 6-7 setting. Does it mean its broken? or is it just dirty because of my usage?

Also, I find the high is very different. It does not last as long as the smoking a J high. It's definitely more cerebral. The J is a much more body high.

Can you g uys give me tips on the volcano? hints? suggestions? am I doing something wrong?

when I first got it the vapor was badass now it's unamusing.

Yea the high for me off a vape is much the same as yours which is why I smoke blunts. The bacco seems to keep me awake and alert as opposed to bongs where I end up gettin a bit tired. Then again if you smoke too much you'll end up tired anywhich way.

Sr. Verde

Im inhaling a volcano bag right now...

Go for like 5.5-6.8 and gradually increase it as the amount of bags you've done on said bowl increases

For the no dense smoke in the bag... You have to realize your not burning it, your vaporizing... What you see is pure cannabis vapor man, GOOD shit.

What I found is that 3 cannabinoids, THC, CBN, CBD vaporize between 365-392, here are the temps below's source I can verify that you experience different highs at different temps in that temperature range (365-392)... Lower temps give me a heady, laughy good mood high and the higher temps relaxes my muscles, eases pains and and gives a nice body buzz/high (depending on how much you vape)

I always get really high on a vape for a long time man... As for the bowl size what I usually do is put enough to cover the screen, and then double that so when you sift around you can still see light peeking through (I think it has something to do with the airflow)

Make sure that the herbs are really fine and grinded up, as to expose THC

Happy volcanoing

Save that weed and make butter it's what im going to try to do


Well-Known Member
Your vaporizing THC dude, that's the cerebral high you speak of. CBDs vaporizes right around its combustible temp.

There is other stuff inside of cannabis that makes you high other than THC. While the Volcano is uber efficient at extracting THC - it leaves certain compounds behind. You will never get higher off a Volcano than smoking.

You can turn your Volcano remnants into butter and get high - that is all the evidence that you need that you are in fact leaving stuff behind.

I have found that my RooR and a soldering iron deliver the most punch. I have a Volcano; it is used during the day when I can't be retarded.


Well-Known Member
To get more dense smoke....turn the dial all the way up

Also, put a SECOND air filter in the air filter area. Cram it in there. The hot air will move slower over the heating element, making the smoke denser.

Oh yeah, and let the air go through the cartridge a while before you put the bag on, until you see vapor. Otherwise its just air going into the bag.


Well-Known Member
Ya know, Vapes tend to leave me burnt out very quickly. Its like the high is super concentrated, but doesnt last that long and like I said, leaves me feeling burnt out and ready for bed.

"Sing my song, puff all night looooong....as I take hits from the boooong"

the only problem with the volcano vaporizer is the people that are using it and i mean that with all due respect. some people learn how to use it faster than others, and theres trucks to vaporizing hash and hash oil in it, but yeah you can get thick vapor and have it be really smooth you just need to focus on how your materials are placed and the heat.

"tip - if you leave the chamber loaded with material on the volcano as its heating or reached it desired temp. it will gently heat your material but not vape it since the air isnt turned on/flowing through the chamber, let it sit for 15-45 seconds or 1+ minute if you want a veryyy thick hash vapor, you will get very very very very high"

Material = hash, hash oil or marijuana bud, kief ect.