I dont know what happened :( +rep to all that reply

Growing indoor - cfl grow

stealth pc grow case, entire case covered in mylar

using distilled 1 gallon jugs of water every other day

1 intake fan, 1 extake fan

temps lights out:
55-60 degrees
50-55% humidty

temps lights on:
70-75 degrees
50-55% humidty

this honest all happened in little over a weeks time, i first noticed some brown spots on the leaves and figured it was nothin really, then it progressively got worse, so i decided to hit it with 1/3rd strenght super bloom didnt seem to help, then i flushed it 2 days ago and here it is from tonight after lights came on

https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/300317-brown-spots-leaves-leaves-still.html <--- thats my thread from a couple days ago b4 i flushed



Well-Known Member
how much have you fed her? how long has it been flowing??.. but you might be missing an element..

Maybe hit her again with some ferts...


Well-Known Member
I'd say nute burn too. Hold of on the nutes, flush them, possibly not enough water good water.
Considering it's started from the bottom, the plant would eat and eat and eat the nutes, burning started where the plants get the most of the water/nutes. Working it's way up to the top.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure what the problem is, I know I read about a similar problem with yellowish leaves, purple veins, being some sort of defeciency I just cant remember what. There is a thread in the newbie forum by simpsonsampson that he could probably help you diagnose the problem...what is the ph of the soil, that will tell you alot..especially if its a def problem. You said you flushed a few day ago so hopefully things will get better, but you could have a lockout of certain nutes. I'll try and see if I can get any advice/info on what the problem could be. Peace!
Im using for farm ocean forest using distilled bottled water... i havent check the ph, but considering its bottled and distilled i figured it would be pretty close?

I have never misted

Its been flowering for close to 3 weeks now

I havent used any nutes at all really I hit it 1 time with some super bloom at 1/4th strength and I didnt notice a change, so it cant possibly be nute burn


Active Member
Growing indoor - cfl grow

stealth pc grow case, entire case covered in mylar

using distilled 1 gallon jugs of water every other day

1 intake fan, 1 extake fan

temps lights out:
55-60 degrees
50-55% humidty

temps lights on:
70-75 degrees
50-55% humidty

this honest all happened in little over a weeks time, i first noticed some brown spots on the leaves and figured it was nothin really, then it progressively got worse, so i decided to hit it with 1/3rd strenght super bloom didnt seem to help, then i flushed it 2 days ago and here it is from tonight after lights came on

https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/300317-brown-spots-leaves-leaves-still.html <--- thats my thread from a couple days ago b4 i flushed

those pants are totally deficient with in almost every element


Active Member
man its a nute deff prob all of them if you have not been hitting it with much nutes if ph is off to much it could be lock out of some nutes like p and k and zn fe id hit it with some nutes and check the ph to insure it at like 6.4 to like 7.0 for soil and 5.8 and 6.4 for hydro to insure no nute lock also look under the mj prob section and find the post for this link to the mj abuse pic post think this is it http://ganjaguerrilla.net/


Well-Known Member
Maybe PH causing lockout. I was told not to used distilled water with FFOF because it buffers the water down. Check the pH if it is ok then feed it.


Active Member
just remeber ph is diff for soil and hydro its like 6.5 7.0 for soil and 5.8 6.5 for hydro as long as it stays in those ranges it will be ok diff nutes have a peak up take at diff ph lvls 6.5 to 7.0 is a good place for soil ph to be under 6.5 and cal def is a prob and over 7.0 and fe becomes locked out hope this helped