I can't metabolize coconut oil?


I've always had trouble dosing my coconut oil.
Sometimes, 2-3 capsules leave me stoned for the whole day.
Sometimes 8 capsules will only give me a light buzz for only an hour or two.

Also, the onset is really unstable as well.
Sometimes, I am stoned hard after 30 mins, sometimes it takes 2 hours for a light buzz to even start.

I had always attributed it to tolerance, but one day, 8 capsules had no effect even after 4 hours.
The only change was that I had no meals that day due to being so busy.
After 4 hours, I had a reaaaally big meal to catch up.
And within 30 mins, I was strangely stoned out of my mind, I couldn't get up even.
For like a good 8 hours.

I'm assuming it's the animal fats that's helping it along?
Since that meal was so greasy.

All I can say is I KNOW when its about to kick in when I burp and it smells and tastes weedy.
And that day, I was burping for a few times and it was clear with no weed smell or taste.
And after the large meal, there it was, a really pungent weedy burp.

Can anyone give some advice how to make it more consistent?
Btw, my coconut oil has no lecithin, because it costs like 3x the weed and oil combined.
What's the fat content in your coconut oil, also what methods are you using? How are you decarboxylating it and for how long? Are you using the same bud everytime? How long has it been sitting out? Ground 'to powder or still chunky? Too many damn variables can have a huge flux in final product!
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I've been using the same batch of coconut oil ever since (I made like 2 liters from 250g of bud), so I wouldn't expect even daily results to fluctuate wildly.

The day before yesterday I didn't get high til like 6 hours after I took the caps. And yesterday, I was stoned senseless like 30 mins after... it really makes no sense. All I know is I had eaten tons of fatty foods yesterday (I was at an all you can eat grill). So yeah, I am pretty sure its related to my diet.

As for your questions... this has only been one and the same batch, decarbed 1 hour, ground in a coffee mill, using the exact same brand of 100% pure virgin coconut oil I have been using ever since (but the entire 2 liters was made in one go). All from the same 1 kg bag of weed. I always make my oils and cannabutter the exact same way (same timing and everything), so variables shouldn't be an issue, especially since my oil for the last month or two comes from the same 2L jar, hidden away from light which I know degrades thc.


Well-Known Member
Canola or rapeseed oil has a far higher burning point, which is just great for oil users, as their are very few burnt particulates, the weed will burn before the oil ...true
does you have to use coco nut oil...? you may need to find out why you need to burp, or remove air in your stomach, this is unusual...?

I have always found coco nut oil an unpleasant oil to work with, would rather use an more fluid affair, ... olive oil or again rapeseed for me

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
decar herb in oven first. then bio matter won't have to be in coconut oil at high temp. also it won't have to be simmering for long to gel. do you have a better method?


I decarbed it already... I guess I might try another oil like the suggested canola... I mean, it seems like animal fats trigger it... but that's like the unhealthiest type of grease, right? So maybe another oil might work. Hmm, now that I think about it, I never had this problem with my cannabutter... I only switched because the cannabutter needed a larger dose to work compared to the coco oil.

I find it weird that I only have a weedy burp when it works, even when it is already 6 hrs after. Like it was just sitting around in my stomach not getting digested all that time...

I do wish I had a better method, since I can't smoke anymore due to many circumstances. Maybe I'll try a bacardi 151 tincture next time (everclear 190 is apparently illegal here)... I shyed away from it because I don't want to smell like I've been drinking.


Well-Known Member
Coconut oil is best...for oral use

Make hash oil out of your preffered method. Saturate hot coconut oil with the hash after you've decarbed it over a double boil. When it stops bubbling its done..
There are several good threads about this actually
If the solution is just saturated it will take a few 00 pills to get you. If its supersaturated you can fit a single dose in one pill. It won't absorb efficiently and be erratic. It will take significantly longer to absorb as well.
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