I can't get my trips right.. I keep messing up.


New Member
I've dosed shrooms about 6 times, the first 4 trips were great..

Second last time (6 months ago) I did shrooms, I had a massive panic attack and needed valium to come down.. I can't explain it but it was my first major trip and I thought I was dead.

I did shrooms again (last week) and had the same thing, I had to come home and I sweated and panic attacked in my room for two hours, I finally managed to cope with it and watched tv.. I think what set me off last time was everyone I was with were being assholes.. My driver was hammered and doing 120km on little 50km road.. Not sure.

IDK.. How do you ensure a safe, fun trip?
I normally dose 4 - 6 grams.. My favorite trips were 2.5 and 3.5..?

EDIT: Does smoking weed fuck with a trip? It seems my two major fuckups I got baked then tripped bad. Could it be because I sketch?


Active Member
I'd for sure say it's you buddies being a bunch of idiots. Every time I've had shrooms I like to take 6-7 grams, usually pick up a ounce and grab the biggest cap(s) and have a couple buddies over. I don't like going outside and definitely wouldn't be cruising around with someone drunk.
I blaze for sure but I also put my self in a good environment.
Also If I was in a shitty mood I wouldn't even eat shrooms, only time I have ever had a bad trip is when I was somewhere bad, if that makes sense.
Like driving with someone drunk, wouldn't even do this sober and I'd wouldn't let it happen, if I could. Or being around people you don't like and annoy you.
Even listening to some sad music :lol:
I just make sure I have a good time :D


Well-Known Member
right - think about how you would normally have a good time and plan the time out - don't let things drag you into bummer situations - you want no bummers and positive nice atmosphere - wherever you feel the most comfortable and secure - that is where you should trip.. my friends and i used to head up to a nice, flat hilltop near town where nobody else would come up during the trip.. or a friend's house where only friends are there..

things that have messed with my trips include, but are not limited to: angry strangers - traffic - girls who dumped me - alcohol - being left alone in the woods at night - extreme cold - the police - hospitals - sober people driving me around aimlessly - people who react badly to acid due to mental illness - involvement with methamphetamine - vandalism - having to find my way home by myself - lack of food/water - unexpected parents - lack of weed.. the list goes on, but you see, you just avoid things that make you uncomfortable..

weed has always been a positive force in my trips - i never dose without it... i get wild visuals for a few seconds after each hit.. :)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Do you have a problem normally with anxiety or have a fear of dying? Sometimes trips bring out things that we are meant to see and understand.. let one play through with no other substances (even if it gets intense), you may learn something.


Well-Known Member
paranoia could be set off by smking marijuana. ive seen plenty of people who can handle their smk bug out hard when they mix (shrooms and E). Y keep upping the dose (4-6g) if 2-3.5 was fine and you enjoyed ur trips?


Active Member
Try tripping by yourself, or at least without drunk people, this is a bad social mix, its almost alwase turned out negative for me when tripping with drunk people. If you drink, then have a few drinks to loosen up during tripping, drunk tripping is fun. but drunks and trippers are polar opposites, drunks are ball busting d-bags and trippers are in fragile mind sets, you can see the issue here i hope.


New Member
Try tripping by yourself, or at least without drunk people, this is a bad social mix, its almost alwase turned out negative for me when tripping with drunk people. If you drink, then have a few drinks to loosen up during tripping, drunk tripping is fun. but drunks and trippers are polar opposites, drunks are ball busting d-bags and trippers are in fragile mind sets, you can see the issue here i hope.
Thank-you everyone who posted on this, I couldn't agree more on the drunks being polar opposites.. It makes sense.

Actually when i'm sober I never have paranoia.. My problem is that sober I have too much balls and end up regretting shit (is why I don't drink.. besides court order), weed keeps me a couchlocked well fed hard worker.. lol. I smoke alot of weed, everyday; sometimes this naturally brings out paranoia.

I ended up deciding not to do them with my buddys.. is it a personal drug? Should it be?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
is it a personal drug? Should it be?
It is different for everyone, some like it in numbers while others like it in solitude. Get experienced by yourself and learn how you react and furthermore who you are on a deeper level with psychedelics, once you are comfortable with being alone, start working into smaller groups of people if you'd like.


Active Member
I've dosed shrooms about 6 times, the first 4 trips were great..

Second last time (6 months ago) I did shrooms, I had a massive panic attack and needed valium to come down.. I can't explain it but it was my first major trip and I thought I was dead.

I did shrooms again (last week) and had the same thing, I had to come home and I sweated and panic attacked in my room for two hours, I finally managed to cope with it and watched tv.. I think what set me off last time was everyone I was with were being assholes.. My driver was hammered and doing 120km on little 50km road.. Not sure.

IDK.. How do you ensure a safe, fun trip?
I normally dose 4 - 6 grams.. My favorite trips were 2.5 and 3.5..?

EDIT: Does smoking weed fuck with a trip? It seems my two major fuckups I got baked then tripped bad. Could it be because I sketch?
approach mushrooms in a less demanding manner. start taking smaller doses with less people around and in a very calm dimly lit atmosphere. once you begin to feel them starting to come on ask yourself what you hope to gain from this experience. if you are seeking to get 'fucked up' or 'trip really hard and see shit' you likely wont get much out of it. psychedelics demand a lot of respect that other drugs dont so try and incorporate that into your general attitude about the said substance.


New Member
approach mushrooms in a less demanding manner. start taking smaller doses with less people around and in a very calm dimly lit atmosphere. once you begin to feel them starting to come on ask yourself what you hope to gain from this experience. if you are seeking to get 'fucked up' or 'trip really hard and see shit' you likely wont get much out of it. psychedelics demand a lot of respect that other drugs dont so try and incorporate that into your general attitude about the said substance.
I apologize for bumping a old thread.
However thank-you everyone for this; I will be dosing on my saturday (my day off) and i'll make another log like last time :) It was one of the most memorable/spiritual experiences of my life.
thank-you RIU community!!