i can't find the newbie section ...


Active Member
Advanced Marijuana Cultivation


Rule 1: If your growing in the filthy dirt (soil), DO NOT post in advanced forum.

Rule 2: If this is your first grow, DO NOT post in the advanced forum.

Rule 3: If your under 18 years of age, DO NOT post in the advanced forum.

Rule 4: If your growing under LED lighting, DO NOT post in the advanced forum.

Rule 5: Treat all members with respect... unless they have violated the above rules.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity how what does medium have to do with ones degree of advancement?


Active Member
Because soil will never match hydro.

Hydro allows you to feed the plant exactly what it needs, or exactly what you want it to get...
Where as soil is full of random filler that the roots must grow through before they find what they need. As a result the root system of a hydro plant is much smaller than a plant that has grown in soil.
This is wasted energy that the plant could have used to grow branches, fan leaves or buds.
Can you guys have an "ask the professional's" section? It would be awesome if there was an area where you had to have pics or videos to back up what you're saying and only be able to help/respond when you've been consistently pulling at least .5g/watt. This would be helpful for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Because soil will never match hydro.

Hydro allows you to feed the plant exactly what it needs, or exactly what you want it to get...
Where as soil is full of random filler that the roots must grow through before they find what they need. As a result the root system of a hydro plant is much smaller than a plant that has grown in soil.
This is wasted energy that the plant could have used to grow branches, fan leaves or buds.
Wanna do a side by side grow thread?


Well-Known Member
Advanced Marijuana Cultivation


Rule 1: If your growing in the filthy dirt (soil), DO NOT post in advanced forum.
Hell, I'm a nub, and still feel justified in calling Bullshit!

I grow in hydro personally, but some of the kick-ass-ingest growers here are soil growers.

I mean, seriously?


No need to swear. But this fool is just trying to bait people. Let me see if I can bait him back.

Plebscruber you are right Soil will never be equal to hydro. It will always be far better when grown to full maturity outdoors in soil than the weak stuff that comes from hydro.


Well-Known Member
Oh buttscrubber I think your totally out of line. Plenty of people (pro's) use soil, I don't know how old u are but sounds like u haven't been around long enough( not saying it to be rude) But people have been growing in soil over 1000years. Are u saying soil is not for advanced growers?
I have grown alot different ways... Everyone has their preference...Who r you to say it's wrong! Now thats what makes u a closed minded idiot... let me guess...expert only in your own mind. Peace out!


Active Member
Ok calm down, keep it respectful, we are here to help each other learn growing techniques, not to fight.
We are not the enemy, the DEA is.

I never said its wrong to grow in soil... its simply not advanced.
Soil is ok if you want to grow a lot of plants and keep the costs down... and are willing to compromise some quality. (cash croppers)

There are few people here who are breaking rule 5.


Well-Known Member
Advanced Marijuana Cultivation


Rule 1: If your growing in the filthy dirt (soil), DO NOT post in advanced forum.

Rule 2: If this is your first grow, DO NOT post in the advanced forum.

Rule 3: If your under 18 years of age, DO NOT post in the advanced forum.

Rule 4: If your growing under LED lighting, DO NOT post in the advanced forum.

Rule 5: Treat all members with respect... unless they have violated the above rules.

Thank you for your co-operation.
I hope you're better at growing than you are at spelling.