i broke off a brand with a big ass nug..


Active Member
as the title says yes. i did it..some one was threating to call the cops so i moved it to my car temporarily and i broke off a branch with a big ass nug..so i plucked out all the leaves..if i dry it would it be smokable? it has a little bit of brown hairs but bout 95 percent is all white hairs..can i still smoke after drying it? are there any consequences?

and tell me if u think it looks good and if the final product will be real good
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Well-Known Member
Shit yeah you can smoke it,the thing is that it can go 1 of 2 ways,either you'll get a mild buzz that dont last long or you'll get a head ache.

Either way i'd dry that puppy out & smoke some,if it sucks toss it out.


Well-Known Member
like korvette said. dry it and cure it before you smoke it!

and dont try and dry it fast. because its probably already not gunna be "the chronic" and by trying to fast dry you're just gunna make it even worse!

let it dry on its own. and then cure it for a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Hell yes fire it up. I heard of this old hippy from back in the 60's one time which every time one of his leaves falls off he would lay it on the counter on a piece of typing paper for a few days then smoke it. His theory was it beats none at all which is the only other option if a person happen to be out. He is the one with the poster on the wall which say: Dope will get you through times of no money...better than money will get you through times of no dope. In fact may adopt that narrative for my sig line.

Big Wheel