I believe she's a girl! ((PIC))


Well-Known Member
There is nothing there to tell yet,

But it does look like it could go either way, but again there is absolutely nothing to tell yet.

You will see a white lookin string like hair poke out at you eventually if its a girl,

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I've found I usually agree with the goddess when I see her posts but I've got to say that definitely looks female to me. From my (neck strain inducing) observations I've found that the male preflowers are usually wider and flatter while the females are long and slender, very sexy in my opinion. Let's see if I can muster up some pics to support this.

Ah, yes. The first is early male preflower, second early female(nearly identical to your pic, congrats!!!!).



Well-Known Member
There is nothing there to tell yet,

But it does look like it could go either way, but again there is absolutely nothing to tell yet.

You will see a white lookin string like hair poke out at you eventually if its a girl,

i marked it .......... female.JPG


Well-Known Member
Still cant find the hairs mate .. maybe the camera cant catch it .. I had a plant started flowering the same way and developed to a fuckin faggot male .. so wish u luck on this one and keep us updated ,


Well-Known Member
I've found I usually agree with the goddess when I see her posts but I've got to say that definitely looks female to me. From my (neck strain inducing) observations I've found that the male preflowers are usually wider and flatter while the females are long and slender, very sexy in my opinion. Let's see if I can muster up some pics to support this.

Ah, yes. The first is early male preflower, second early female(nearly identical to your pic, congrats!!!!).
Good pics Mared Juwan, I see what you mean. +1

to the OP, To be honest though you will know a female is when you see it, and never have this identification problem again.