I am in so much trouble


:-(:-(I have an outside pure afghan that I started in May in an aerogarden. Put her out at 18" end of July. She is now 5feet tall and the weather here has turned so poor she has not developed anymore growth in a week.

I have her in a small room....9X6. The lighting is set to mimic the outdoor lighting as this time. 11 hours of light, 13 hours of darkness. She has total darkness at night....no leaks.

All I have are 11 CFL's, 9 26 watt and 2 42 watt. Any chance I'll get anything off her? She has been such a strong plant, I'd hate to see all that effort go down the toilet. Here is some pictures of her outside a week ago.

The first picture was taken yesterday, the second a week ago.



Well-Known Member
put those lights to her...especially on the cola areas...hell go pickup some 4' shop lights and load up some T5's in em and hang them vertical next to her...gonna have to give her time to finish out...make sure you bump up the P/K to promote flower development and back off the N as well..good luck!


Unfortunately Massah, I have to work with what I have right now. Maybe at the end of the month, I can get more lights to blast her with. Given that she's had more than a week outside with crap weather and no sun, I'm hoping she's at least a bit happier with what she has right now. Thanks for the suggestions. Appreciated. :-)