I am beginning to wonder something


Active Member
Does anyone out there smoke all day? Look guys i understand everyone here loves weed, but i go through 4 or 5 grams of chronic a day, now you guys might be thinkin im lazy but im not, I have a full time job, a fiancee, and 2 dogs and a house, i grow my own bud, i smoke 3 blunts a day usually, 2joints or so and a couple of bong or bowl rips to carry my high every day, i grow blueberry x NL and SSH, i dont stay high for more than 2 hours, i go to work high i do EVERYTHING HIGH, i know it sounds like i have a problem, but im not a "stoner" i have used weed to get smatter and learn more, i have a hard time dealing with what the rest of the world thinks as "regular people" you know like every ass hole you meet on the subway or that works at MCdonalds, people these days just seem so angry and selfish and always lookin out for themselves, bein high just helps me deal with it...anybody else like this...Im 24 years old jst got out of the army 2 years ago and ive been smokin my since i was 13, dont tell me my weeds not good cause trust me it is it knocks my friends out, but sometimes i wanna get so high like back in high school high where i couldnt even function arond people or barely talk haha anybody know what im talkiin about??


Active Member
Does anyone out there smoke all day? Look guys i understand everyone here loves weed, but i go through 4 or 5 grams of chronic a day, now you guys might be thinkin im lazy but im not, I have a full time job, a fiancee, and 2 dogs and a house, i grow my own bud, i smoke 3 blunts a day usually, 2joints or so and a couple of bong or bowl rips to carry my high every day, i grow blueberry x NL and SSH, i dont stay high for more than 2 hours, i go to work high i do EVERYTHING HIGH, i know it sounds like i have a problem, but im not a "stoner" i have used weed to get smatter and learn more, i have a hard time dealing with what the rest of the world thinks as "regular people" you know like every ass hole you meet on the subway or that works at MCdonalds, people these days just seem so angry and selfish and always lookin out for themselves, bein high just helps me deal with it...anybody else like this...Im 24 years old jst got out of the army 2 years ago and ive been smokin my since i was 13, dont tell me my weeds not good cause trust me it is it knocks my friends out, but sometimes i wanna get so high like back in high school high where i couldnt even function arond people or barely talk haha anybody know what im talkiin about??
lmfao:clap:yeh I smoke weed to get smatter too:clap:


Well-Known Member
If you can do that without being distracted from your work and such, all power to ya :) I personally can't. But just take a week break or more... let your tolerence go down a bit if you wana get super baked lol.

I'm jealous of your capabilities :D


Well-Known Member
No, I'm a firm believer of moderation. Too much weed really does bog down the mind. I try to only smoke once or twice a week. Sometimes I smoke more than that but usually I don't. I use to smoke an 8th a day but I'm just too old to be smoking that way and I have too much going on.


Active Member
Man if you met me you would never even know i smoked at all and really i smoke more than anybody...i take gbs 2 man i love making them, and other things to smoke out of...and you say you are a firm believer in moderation...well thats you...weed doesnt do to you what it does to me obviously or i wouldnt be able to function in society am i right...like i said i smoke all day every day...it helps me, makes things more fun, some people rely on xanax or zoloft or whatever bullshit the doctor perscribes them to help get them through theirs, i use mine in the same way, but the difference for me is if i dont smoke for some reason i dont freak out, i still have wonderful days, weed just makes everything way more fun, everything


Active Member
yeah man i have done that, i was in the reserves for awhile and had to quit for months at a time, i got higher the first time after that but then it was right back to normal, ive been an off and on smoker for 9 years now.


Well-Known Member
Im going to the military and plan to come back and be just as big of a stoner if not bigger then i am now. What do you do for a living? if you dont mind me asking.


Well-Known Member
i have a hard time dealing with what the rest of the world thinks as "regular people" you know like every ass hole you meet on the subway or that works at MCdonalds, people these days just seem so angry and selfish and always lookin out for themselves, bein high just helps me deal with it...

i think i love you man... in a Platonic way, of course



Active Member
Man if you met me you would never even know i smoked at all and really i smoke more than anybody...i take gbs 2 man i love making them, and other things to smoke out of...and you say you are a firm believer in moderation...well thats you...weed doesnt do to you what it does to me obviously or i wouldnt be able to function in society am i right...like i said i smoke all day every day...it helps me, makes things more fun, some people rely on xanax or zoloft or whatever bullshit the doctor perscribes them to help get them through theirs, i use mine in the same way, but the difference for me is if i dont smoke for some reason i dont freak out, i still have wonderful days, weed just makes everything way more fun, everything

LMFAO:lol:The contradictions just keep coming:sleep:


Active Member
yo man you dont like my thread bounce up off of it. just cause you aint this way dont mean there arent people out there like that. dont just quote me and then i make contradictions that isnt even making a point dumb ass. anyway haters aside...i love you to bro plutonic also, anybody that apreciates the herb i love, yes even j.cum.swallow or j.cun.shallow whatever haha, but yall feel me, people that dont smoke usually dont because they think its bad or illegal or whatever, whta they dont realize is that man made drugs are fuckin worse for you, i never get sick never take perscriptions, i run every day, i incorperated weed into part of my daily life...and i work for harley davidson as a floor salesmen for new harleys...


Well-Known Member
Yeah- I know just what you mean. I'm 60, started at 17 and never stopped. Now I smoke all day and have to get others to tell me how good my weed is- kind of a maintenance buzz, steady all day but never can get really ripped. I had to stop for 90 days a few years ago and got REALLY fucked up when I started again; I had to learn to like it. Now I seem to be on a constant quest for flavor, as being high is a given. I'm good for 2-3 g. per day, just smokin' a bowl when I feel like it- never kept track , but probably a couple of hits per hour when I'm free.