Hydro vs soil ease of growth


Well-Known Member
I think it is best for folks to start out in soil. It is more forgiving than other methods in that problems develop and move slower so you have more time to react. After a soil grow or two, then consider moving to hydro or similar system. I prefer soil myself.


Well-Known Member
I think it is best for folks to start out in soil. It is more forgiving than other methods in that problems develop and move slower so you have more time to react. After a soil grow or two, then consider moving to hydro or similar system. I prefer soil myself.
I hear this often and i'm not disagreeing with you since i've never tried a soil grow but i have hard time understanding what is so troublesome about hydro.

I mean its not like you add too many nutes and instantly the plant starts withering or something. I've found it takes at least a day for the plants to react to bad things in the reservoir and light burn issues are unrelated to soil or hydro.

One very powerful benefit to hydro (aeroponic and bubbleponic) is you don't have to worry about over/under watering which seems to be the bane of soil growing. and as long as you keep an eye on pH and PPM, things go swimmingly. but like i said, i've never tried soil so have nothing to compare to hydro so i'm sure i'm missing something.


Well-Known Member
Im A Criplet Up Sob, Been Growing Indoor Meds For 4 Yrs, I Use Shinegrow Soilless Mix 4 (drainage Is Killer). Its Very Forgiving, With Golden Grow For Chem.s Grw And Blm. Spiked With Castings/tea Powder I Make, And Indi. Bat/tea For Blm. Witch I Also Make, The System Works 4 Me, Check The Pic's.........
I Do Agree W/ E-468 Its All Attention To Details, I Also Am Looking @ Hydro 4 Ease In Watering. pH & PMM, TESTERS ARE LIGHTER THAN GALLON JUGS.
Hope the info helps, post u later B.:bigjoint::peace: