Hydro to Soil suggestions


Well-Known Member
Well folks, I have been a hydro guy for a long time, and I am making the switch back to soil just for the fun of it and change of scenery.. No my hydro days aren't over, they never will be :) but I am taking a break from it for awhile..

My question to you "dirty" people is what soil ya using? I want simple simple simple for a coupld grows to get a solid footing before experimenting with the exotics..

Should I go organic? Or is there a better product for simplicity that you suggest?

All your input will be greatly appreciated.

I'll be using RO water and my lighting is a 1000W HPS For flowering and a 600W HOT5

I use a couple aeros for my clones and vegging, from vegging I will transplant to soil for blooming..

Thanks people