HYDRO root problem (pics)


Well-Known Member
First timer here.

I don't know if I should be concerned, two days ago my roots were only less than 1in. out of the baskets. Now the roots are a good 5 in. about 3 in. are submerged in my res.

Anyways, the root tips are a little darkened, I don't know what to think of this.

Sorry for the pics there not that great.


Well-Known Member
it's ok, as long as you have oxygen in the nutrient solution your good.

cut a little of the longer roots, they'll grow more feeder roots
you'll be happy you root pruned a couple weeks down the road.


Well-Known Member
watch them and see what happens.
It could be root rot. I'm not 100% sure.
if it is don't worry just clean your system with
hydrogen peroxide diluted in water, and you should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
What kind of nuts u using bro..... ? Certain nuts stain roots but this has nothing to do with plant sicknesses .....Ur roots actually look thick and healthy....+reps......

The only thing i can see that u could have done was give a couple teaspoons of hydroton peroxide to help combat and offset of obsessive bacteria growth during early stages of seedling. A lil peroxide in ur next water change with offset any unwanted bacteria growth.

Light on nut till root structure catches up bro nice grow!


Well-Known Member
Wow, thanks for the feedback. Just a real nooby question, how can I obtain hydrogen peroxide? Is this a simple thing to pick up at any grocery store, or where should my hydro store have it? Thanks again


Well-Known Member
In the U.S try walgreens, walmart or any pharmacy really just try get 100 percent percent hydrogen peroxide with no additives....

And research the palnt use of bacteria during seedling stage, u dont want to kill it just keep it in check.


Well-Known Member
Ok I think it looks like a alcohol bottle, correct? It's a simple liquid and not a powder, correct? Sorry not a chemist or anything : ]


Well-Known Member
Yes cesar i have seen peroxide with all kinds of aditives (alchohol, aloe etc) U want pure hydrogen peroxide lol......... it has nothing to do with being a noob at all, its all about understanding whats going on during ur plants state of growth. Bro u are doing everything right, long as u change ur water and nuts every 2 weeks, follow ur instructions on nut bottles u will be fine. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Ya thanks for the support, I've had a couple bumps. I think everything is looking up tho. Ya, I'm using Stealth Hydro nutes. I'm using them 'cause I got them with a "Bubbleponics" system I got. I'm going to be using other nutes for my next grow tho.


New Member
watch water temp can cause root probs h202 will help but watch water temp no more then 18c pref 16c


Well-Known Member
I've been researching your problem.
although theres a couple of reasons why the tips of your roots may be turning black
(Magnesium overdose) I'm sure it's Root Rot.

just like these guys said, you need to clean your system.

All municipal water systems with old piping have slime mold. H2O2 kills slime mold and lots of other stuff, including algae.I use 4 tbsp/gal of water and let is sit for 4 hrs before I use it with plants. 500-1000 ppm is the recommended concentration of 3% solution.

Look for the Hydrogen Peroxide thats 3%

Put your plant some place safe, and clean your system.
Clean EVERTHING. If it can get wet clean it.
Run your pump or Bubbler for a while in your H2O2 solution.

Rinse everything really really good.
run your pump or bubbler for a while to let it rinse.
And then run a second rinse.

while thats running you need to take care of your baby.
cut the Rot off of your roots.
don't go nuts just cut the root back into the healthy white growth.

After your done with that.

you can spray off your roots with your H2O2 solution.
Spray them good, and spray them some more.

I think your problem is your water.
go and get some distilled water, give that a try.
or clean your tap water before you use it in your Hydro.

Every time you change your nutes clean your system.

You can now start off where you left off. :joint:


Well-Known Member
hey man you dont want the 3 percent dtuff at your grocery. You want food grade horticultural hydrogen peroxide. 35% or 50 %. You can order online from a hydro store or ebay. Ebay was exeonsive so i got mine cheaper at better grow hydro. BGH. They have nive cutomer service. Cheap too. Look for it under plant nurtients on the thid page. Or just type it up on their search engine. Dilute like they say. Dont use too much or you can burn your plants and i pretty sure that causes death. Also i jut learned the word for death is necrosis. Lol, i learning every day with my girls. Anyway. . . order it you will be happy.


Well-Known Member
Also i had tons of problems with my stealth hydro nutes disloving. The ppm went up though and i did not notice anything, but they never fullly disloved so stir that shit too man gl. root porn,lol.


Well-Known Member
"hey man you don't want the 3 percent stuff at your grocery. You want food grade horticultural hydrogen peroxide. 35%"

I agree 100%. be careful with that shit, dilute well and don't over do it.
Also it looks like a bunch of light is able to get into your bucket. This will also fubar your roots over time.


Well-Known Member
from the look of it your air pump is weak sauce, get an air pump that has more litre/min

you should put that water pump in a pump bag so that the roots don't get sucked in through those back slots of the pump (i think i have that same one)

your water should be so overwhelmed with air bubbles that you cannot see the bottom of your res, at least thats IMO

also you want that res water cold, 60-65F, inhibits growth of fungi and other nasties