Hydro: ero/flood/drip/DWC..?


Active Member
Iv'e been reading up on just about everythng to do with hydro systems over the last month but still could do with some 'clue'ing up' kinda thing. From what Ive read, each method, in its own context seems to be glory'fied.

Im doing my first grow, SoG and am highly keen on this set up, Lets Build a Bubble Bucket *Step by Step* - Grasscity.com Forums

Its just neat and tidy, the way i like to work. What i wanna ask is, is there anything you would mod, change regarding it being a DWC for a SoG grow?

any help will be greastfull. ta

*edit: In terms of moding/changing, I mean should i just turn it into a flood/drain, will be simple.. kinda stuff. Want the best set up for SoG
And if this set up is fine, how often should i do water changes


Well-Known Member
My last grow was DWC with 5 gallon buckets. I had to change the solution every week due to the small amount of holding capacity. When my plants reached the flowering stage, they were drinking upwards of 2 gallons a day. That meant that I was topping off every day or two at the most. That's something you should think about, especially if you're going with a SoG style grow. That will be a lot of work topping off that many buckets on a daily basis.

If you are intent on using this design, make sure you use a large central reservoir that you can just attach a hose to, and let gravity fill up those buckets when you need a top off. If this seems like a lot of work, you may want to consider going with an Ebb n Flow design instead. I've got a link in my journal about how to build a 5 gallon controller bucket for Ebb n Flow. If you're comfortable with wiring, it's an easy build, and cheaper than paying $250 for a controller.
