hydro, dwc, lights, nutes, general setup and design


Active Member
just installed a new setup for starting bubbler, have 4 plants, 50 quart tank, 60 gallon bubbler pump, using basic nutes on 8-8-4 format, not real good with ppm, lol , so im going to post pics up, but i need some help, plants seem droppy, im running 2 4ft floursecent grow lights,blew up a light socket on metal halide lamp, and its about a foot away from plants,

1. whats a good distance for lights
2.do i nee dmore lighting
3. can i leave lights on 24 hours a day, or shoudl i do a regular light cycle
4. shoudl roots be in water, or allowed to grow in by starting above them
5. lots on help with nutes would be good, and some ppm help, i only know by 8-8-4 setup, and all other trace minerals needed are in it.
6. how often do i change water, i heard 7-10 days
to muhc pump power?? the contaiers covered in bubbles now, lots on oxygen
7. ive heard to take plants out periodcially, good? bad?
8. im not worried about output, im here to experiment and try, so anyone havign any ideas or experimental ideas jsut post and ill try, im up for anything, nothing to lose, i have 50 soil plants outside for that.
9. and other info i shoudl need
10. lol big opps i forgot to set ph, should i use standard pool supply ph controls or special?
11. where can you get a good ph and nute reader??

thanks for any help guys, throw in any ideas you have as well, ill post pics, this can be lab for anything crazy, hoping to ge tinto hydro full time

Happy smoking =) - Matt


Active Member
1 growing container, using mid sized stones, 6-8 1/4 to 1/3 inch holes on bottom of each for roots, water penetrates about 2 inches of the 4 inches of rocks,roots completely submerged.

2.holder, cut right into container top, fits 2 pots in each, bubble strength shown, water splashed out just by leaving open. to much? not enough?

3.total setup, first try building. cost 50$
50 quart tub-8
pipes,stones,connectors,valve,ect- 8
2 4ft grow tubes- 14
nutes(one shot)- 10

compact and easy to use, lot of money to spend on it if nessicary.

4.light height- 14 inches above base

5.drain valve- 2.50$ 1/2 inch valve, 1.2 inch pipe fitting, 2 o-rings, one on each side sitting on threads. tube with 1/2 inch fittig to drain.

6. large aquarium pump, cheap at walmarts. rated 30-60 gallon aquarium with max 2200 cc/min.

7. 2 check valves for dual output, 2 ft hose,splitters and bubble stones. metal ring for weight to hold in place, rust free stainless steel.

8. log book

9. first nute** solution rated at
Fe- .10
Mn- .05
Zn- .05

10. second nute**

** i am mixing nutrient solutions together by directions for a 16-16-12 solution, then using half concentrate for a 8-8-6. i did not want to burn roots, what is a good concentration, and is it ok to use liquid store bought plant foods such a miracle grow and such, thats where this is from just 2 diffrent concentrations mixed. or should i go for my own chemicals and mix myself, i am an avid chemist and have the nesscary scales and containers ect to use them

* on the subject of ph where shoudl i be around, and is commercial ph decreaser ok or should i find another source?

thanks for any help, hope this can help, and be a guide for newer members if its aplicable

Happy Smoking - Matt
Attached Thumbnails
