HVAC Question. Tees and Wyes Interchangeable?


Thats it. Sorry if this has been answered. Couldn't get any search results here or outside RIU. I want to split my 6" fresh air intake into 2 lines using the cheaper tee instead of the wye. I don't know anything about cavitation or fluid dynamics. If i keep all my ducts the same length will this be ok?

intake hole in window>>>short duct splice>>>6" 435cfm fan>>>short duct splice>>>6"tee (split to 2))>>>2 fresh air lines-1 to each lamp>>>lamps>>>2 exhaust lines>>>6" tee (reduce back to 1)>>>1 exhaust duct to filter can. splices equal lengths. intake/exhaust equal lengths. Someone please help the dummy.


All I can find is the tee will be slightly less fluid in a small system with high ventilation power such as mine. I think I'm good. I'll run it as post back. I'll be retrofitting the whole thing with correct parts after an upcoming move so I'll be able to compare. Would still appreciate any input from some of the hard working techs out there.