Hurricane Irma / Power Loss / Light Cycle Question


Hey everyone, I am planning on having a power outage from Irma. I had a question about best way to handle the light cycle. I have about two weeks till harvest.

If my power goes out during dark period should I just allow the plants to stay dark until I know my power is back on? My best guess would be that it is off for 24-48 hours.

Or should I go for plan B 6 deep cycle batteries to keep it 12/12.

I am asking this to avoid stressing the plant with only 2 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I am planning on having a power outage from Irma. I had a question about best way to handle the light cycle. I have about two weeks till harvest.

If my power goes out during dark period should I just allow the plants to stay dark until I know my power is back on? My best guess would be that it is off for 24-48 hours.

Or should I go for plan B 6 deep cycle batteries to keep it 12/12.

I am asking this to avoid stressing the plant with only 2 weeks left.
Dude if your in Florida for the love of whoever you believe get out or at the very least baton down the hatches.


Haha, I figured I'd be getting something like that. With the latest projected path more and more I am straying from worrying about finishing them properly. I believe I am going to kill the power to the room on Saturday night and leave them in the dark during the storm and just harvest come Monday-Tuesday. I am on day 48 - about to flush with florakleen and take what I can get hopefully it doesn't taste like ass with flush - 2 days water.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat. I'm leaving mine in the dark. Are yours hydroponic? Mine are in soil, and I never flush. I'm giving minimal water (no run off) since they will be in the dark for several days and I don't want mold since my fans will be down. Good luck to you!


I'm in the same boat. I'm leaving mine in the dark. Are yours hydroponic? Mine are in soil, and I never flush. I'm giving minimal water (no run off) since they will be in the dark for several days and I don't want mold since my fans will be down. Good luck to you!
Yes they are in Coco-Perlite Mix. I have also been considering the whole humidity in a closed off room with no AC, I'm going to have a few Batteries - Inverter so i can keep a eye on the Humidity and keep the fans on. If I try to run my lights on the batteries It's not going to last me too long so i'm going to try minimal survival electricity for the plants.


Well-Known Member
Same boat, but I got young plants in flower too. Not sure what to do. If I lose power I plan to run a few cfls to maintain the light cycle idk.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same boat. I'm leaving mine in the dark. Are yours hydroponic? Mine are in soil, and I never flush. I'm giving minimal water (no run off) since they will be in the dark for several days and I don't want mold since my fans will be down. Good luck to you!
It could be weeks!! 90+ temps

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
We lost power for over 10 days a few years ago due to a freak storm. I remember my plants were not the biggest problem we had during that time because after 5-6 days a hot shower, ice, and food become main priorities.
Anyway when the lights finally came back on most of the fan leaves quickly withered up & died. The younger growth and small sugar leaves remained intact and we still ended up with a decent harvest for the plants that were close to harvesting. I guess the plants begin to consume themselves and sacrifice their fan leaves to survive during a severe lack of sufficient lighting. The buds were almost unaffected and the plants that were just started in bloom phase turned out maybe just a bit stunted. I run a perpetual so there is always plants of various maturity in the flower room. Plants that were vegging were snipped and allowed to recover no harm no foul.
I bet if you just left them near an unshaded window they would get enough light to sustain them after the storm passes but then again somebody lookin in might see them. I hope that eases your mind; good luck storm riders....