Humidty in closet at 20%


Elite Rolling Society
Blow a small fan over saucers or bowls of water.

Hang wet towels on the wall, or in a pile near the plants

Mist them twice Daily, with plain water, with lights raised, if in VEG, but not in Flower

or for $26

Got too low humidity? Need some cheap Cooling in the room?

Cheap Cool Mist Humidifiers from Walmart:


Ultrasonic Humidifier With Light


Graco, Cool Mist Humidifier, 1.5 Gallon




Active Member
Ha, looks like I will invest in one of those humidifiers, I always thought they were more pricey.


Well-Known Member
That humidifier is the bomb for this stuff. If your slumming around 20% humidity as a baseline, you're probably going to have humidity issues throughout the grow (depending on the set up). I bought this thing from walmart, run it once like every other day, and it does the job. Most other humidifiers on the market are a fortune and unneccessary for our purposes. gl man.


Active Member
I got that top model of humidifier and it's working great, has me up to 60%. Now if only I could keep my temps below 80.