
mr. Gonzo

Active Member
how important is humidity to plants? and how can i control it with a simple set up... do i just spray it.... im confused


Well-Known Member
how important is humidity to plants? and how can i control it with a simple set up... do i just spray it.... im confused
humidity is important, but you can get by with being close. If your indoors, you don't really have that much to worry about, unless you use air purifiers.. which would make the air dry, your humidity should be between 55% and 75% to grow well.
Again, Unless your air is extremely dry, you won't have do anything like excessive spraying.


Well-Known Member
so what do i use to control the humidity
well, you might want to get a humidity meter first, so you tell what percentage of humidity the area is at..
If it's extra dry, below 40% you'll have to spray the plants when watering.. or you could get a humidifier, they are like 15 bucks at walgreens.
If it's too humid and your breathing in water, you should probably have someone come check out why your house is possessed.