Humidity/temp experts help! +rep


Active Member
alright im currently in my first week of flowering 12/12 600w hps good exhaust. I have lights on at night to better control temp come summer time.

Now with the lights on at night its at about 70-80F/40%-50%relative humidity, but towards the morning sometime its been 68F/55% and then when the lights go off at 7am it can sometimes drop to 61F/with up to 62%relative humidity.

is this a problem i should be worry about? i was figuring it would warm up quite a bit in the summer and the humidity would drop, and my problems would be solved. what do you think? would getting a space heater help(especially in the winter)?

my room is 5ftx4ftx7fthigh in a garage type area so its not very insulated.

+rep for help, thx in advance :joint:


Active Member
for 12/12 i like to try to keep my humidity at around 50%-60% no more..... and my temp is at around 25C when lights are on and when my lights are off the temp is at around 14-17C...hope this helps (dehumidifier or a bigger outtake will help with you humidity)

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
no you should be fine as long as you don't get below 60 at night or above 85 during the day. Cold temps won't damage growth until below freezing, just slow it. However your relative humidity is really high for flowering, I would recommend a dehumidifier in the room. There are some alternative solutions like buckets of silica gel, etc. And actually you can re-use the distilled water from the air in a de-humidifier for watering, so that's always a plus.

If you increase your fan speed or get a bigger one it should lower the RH as well.


Active Member
The temps are fine 61 is getting low but not to low by any means. If anything the low temps will just bring out some color in the plant!! 80 is not to high either. Your temps seem just about perfect. However the humidity is def a problem. You should really try and keep your humidty below 40% good humidity range is like 30-40%. Your early in flower now so its not going to kill anything, but i would def suggest in getting it under control before you are to far into flower as high humidity once your girls start forming some buds can lead to bud rot/mold very easily (especially at 60% humidity). A dehumidifier would def solve the problem i dont know how much they cost exaclty but im sure you might be able to fins a small one for fairly cheap on craigslist or ebay or something. If you dont want to fork out the cash then ya a little space heater or something would work i would only turn it on in the morning tho you dont have a huge space and you dont want your temps going over that 80 degree mark. Thats the problem with a heater if its running even on low your temps could get super hot unless you have a very good exhuast system or some fans running in there. DO you have any intake or exhaust fans going? Dehumidifier would be the best thing in this situation but if you cant afford it go with a little heater on the lowest setting and make sure you monitor the temps and see how hot that thing makes your grow space.


Active Member
thank you all for the advice

yea i would like to try everything possible before going out and buying a dehumidifier

yea i have a 435cfm 6inch on a with a fan speed controller(running about 1/2speed), so i can turn up the fan up if need be. i am using a passive intake with about a 12" x 6" hole with a board sitting on the outside at a 45degree to block light from coming out the hole. could this be my problem? its adding intake restriction but not very much. could fresh air not be getting in room at the best rate be adding to the humidity?

i have also heard of using a bowl of rock salt to lower humidity. does this help at all?

i think im just going to go with the space heater and run it for 2-3 hours in the morning. and in the summer i might not have to use it

would rising the temp 10degrees lower the humidity around 10% in difference?


Active Member
I dont think it would lower it to 10% you dont really want the humidity that low. My box temps are around 72-80 and my humidity averages like 27% the low is 20 and the high is 37. If that gives you any idea of what it should be around. I am also running hydro though. Either way just kick that heater on for a little bit and see what happens. I dont think it is you intake 12x6 is a pretty big hole and should be getting plenty of fresh air in there. I have heard the salt thing works but never tried it. I know rice would work. AS weird as it sounds lol. If my phone gets wet i put rice in a bag and put my phone in the bag with the salt and the rice takes all the humidty/water out of the phone. Try putting a little bowl of salt and rice in their lol. Cant hurt your plants at all. BUt ya the heater should be fine just crank that fan up and make sure you check your temps constantly the first few hours you have it on to make sure your temp doesnt get out of control and you not check for a few hours and your plants get burnt up becasue it gets way to hot. Either way let me know what you do and how it works, and if you have any other questions ill help as much as i can.


Active Member
I dont think it would lower it to 10% you dont really want the humidity that low. My box temps are around 72-80 and my humidity averages like 27% the low is 20 and the high is 37. If that gives you any idea of what it should be around. I am also running hydro though. Either way just kick that heater on for a little bit and see what happens. I dont think it is you intake 12x6 is a pretty big hole and should be getting plenty of fresh air in there. I have heard the salt thing works but never tried it. I know rice would work. AS weird as it sounds lol. If my phone gets wet i put rice in a bag and put my phone in the bag with the salt and the rice takes all the humidty/water out of the phone. Try putting a little bowl of salt and rice in their lol. Cant hurt your plants at all. BUt ya the heater should be fine just crank that fan up and make sure you check your temps constantly the first few hours you have it on to make sure your temp doesnt get out of control and you not check for a few hours and your plants get burnt up becasue it gets way to hot. Either way let me know what you do and how it works, and if you have any other questions ill help as much as i can.

o yea meant lower humidity 10% in difference. thanks again for your help, im gonna try both, and i think it'll work.


Active Member
No problem let me know how it works since i have never actually tried them myself just heard about them. +++rep let me know how it goes