Humidity help please!!


Hi growers, currently have a bagseed growing, 1wk old now :) but ever since i have started growing i noticed the leaves started to turn yellow, not having a temp/humidity tester went out and bought 1. Hit the nail on the head its my humidity!! am seriously struggling to keep my humidity up!. have read many post's and found it should be about 60/70 % ??? im not producing anywhere near that!. is there a quick and easy way to higher it?? some tips and advice would be much appreciated pleeeaaassseee. thanks chaps.


New Member
You can put a pail of water in the grow area, this will help a bit. Also portable humidifiers can be found cheaply just about anywhere. Maybe if you have not been naughty this year Santa will bring you one. LOL! happy Holidays!


Well-Known Member
How is your ventilation? I am running two 1000W in a 6x11 room with one 6x14 grill for input and a ceiling fan and my RH is about 70%. I figure all of the heat from the lights warming up the water in the soil is making mad humidity. Does that help?
I have about 15% but you gotta remember; some places bud grows is very dry, heat wise. Clones and seedlings need high humidity for water retention.