humidity control/powdery mildew (micro grow)


Active Member
Hi, so I am on my first grow and have had multiple problems but that's part of the experience right? I built a stealth double stacked Rubbermaid micro,as shown here... I built a scrog and am using what I will call a hempy trough. my temps are low to mid 70's but my humidity is run around 60ish... today I found the start of PM,and after some research and weighing my options I have decided it would be best for me to start over and try again.I b run 100% perlite in my hempy and believe this is a big factor in my humidity problems.My question is how do you control humidity in a micro system and if I switched over to a DWC would this help due to the fact that my water would be more contained and therefore keeping my humidity more in check??? or are there other options I should explore? Thx for your time....


Active Member
Quick update: I was looking around in my cab today and I noticed the white powdery substance in places other then the on the frame of my friend thinks that this is a mold but not powdery mildew?Just wanted to throw that in there for you people with more experiences... Thx


Active Member
yeah containing the water would help, the powder could be from the perlite you could just collect some and put a small amount of sugar water in a jar and then a folded up paper towel w/ the substance in the jar put the lid on and see if it grows anything lol if not then ur good and its just perlite


Active Member
Stewart I was totally starting to think it may just be the perlite also... cause it s all up the sides of the Rubbermaid,it looks like a dusting up the sides and my exhausted system is on top and pulls everything up.