Humidity and curing

Just wondering how long does it take to get an accurate reading in the mason jar with my Hydro meter. I have some buds curing and I just bought a hygrometer. How long till I get an accurate reading in the jar?


Well-Known Member
Dont need 1 u being to fancy lol if lids on and u see sweat aka moisture inside jar open it for 10 minz or so first week cure u wanna air the buds I reakon 4 to 5 times a day depending on if u dryed them to correct dryness before u jared em


Well-Known Member
Dont need 1 u being to fancy lol if lids on and u see sweat aka moisture inside jar open it for 10 minz or so first week cure u wanna air the buds I reakon 4 to 5 times a day depending on if u dryed them to correct dryness before u jared em
Hygrometers are needed for proper curing using the jar method.


Well-Known Member
U can have all the fancy toolz u want bet I can cure it just as good as u using my peepers lol iam just a tight ass how much does one cost anyway