Humboldt Nutrients Organic 10-Week Feeding Cycle


Well-Known Member
I am going to be using the Humboldt Nutrient line (Organic 10-week as shown here). I am planning on doing 5 plants (AK-48 from Nirvana) in soil under a 4 foot (6-tube) T5. I broke down the nutrient pricing for a total of five plants and it is as follows:

Nutrients Needed Per Plant (Over total plant lifespan)
Grow Natural - 63 mL or 2.13 Oz
Bloom Natural - 57 mL or 1.93 Oz
DeuceDeuce - 7 mL or .24 oZ
Equilibrium - 10 mL or .34 Oz
Hum-bolt - 22 mL or .74 Oz
FlavorFul - 31 mL or 1 Oz
Mayan MicroZyme - 20 mL or .68 Oz
ProZyme - 102 mL or 3.45 Oz
Myco Madness - 2 tsp or .33 Oz
Myco Maximum - Add to soil prior to planting at 2 tbsp per gallon container or 1 oz
Humboldt Roots - 12 mL or .41 Oz
White Widow - 2 tsp or .33 Oz
Humboldt Honey ES - 64 mL or 2.16 Oz

Amount of Nutrients Needed Per Five (5) Plants (Over total plant lifespan)
Grow Natural - 10.65 oz
Bloom Natural - 9.65 oz
DeuceDeuce - 1.2 oz
Equilibrium - 1.7 oz
Hum-bolt - 3.7 oz
FlavorFul - 5.0 oz
Mayan MicroZyme - 3.4 oz
ProZyme - 17.25 oz
Myco Madness - 1.65 oz
Myco Maximum - 5 oz
Humboldt Roots - 2.05 oz
White Widow - 1.65 oz
Humboldt Honey ES - 10.8 Oz

Cost of Nutrients Per Five (5) Plants
Grow Natural - $12
Bloom Natural - $13
DeuceDeuce - $10
Equilibrium - $9
Hum-bolt - $9
FlavorFul - $8
Mayan MicroZyme - $15
ProZyme - $19
Myco Madness - $15
Myco Maximum - $23
Humboldt Roots - $13
White Widow - $15
Humboldt Honey ES - $11
Overall Cost: $172

With all this being said, I am looking to cut out some of those nutrients to cut costs a bit. Paying $172 for barely enough nutrients for 5 plants seems a bit excessive to me, and I simply can't afford it. Obviously Grow/Bloom are two that aren't going to be cut, but outside of those two, I don't know which of the above nutrients would be most helpful to my plants, and to keep; or which ones are as good as piss, and I should save my money on. Or if you have an alternative, organic nutrient line you feel is better than Humboldt, let's hear it.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:My ferts lasted a lot longer than i thought. Feeds maybe less thann you think. I rarely do the full dosing directions espeacly at the beginig. Some veritys may not like much as others. Also keep in mind enviroment, ( temp co2 and experince) good luck with your grow, even if you do end up using 172 dollars worth it will be well worth it.y thought is you will have plenty of extra when its done . Stay safe and make a journal for us hear rollitup-peace:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I have heard you should do less than recommended feedings for the seedling and beginning of vegetative stages. Maybe I'll try that.

Less than 24 hours before my T5 arrives... Psyched.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else know anything about AK-48 specifically and it's reaction to nutrients? Does it eat them up? Does it prefer lower levels?


Well-Known Member
Just talked to someone with a lot of experience and got the answers I needed (This is directly from his mouth):
Prozyme - Not totally necessary but good for beginners. It breaks down material and extra nutrients in case of overfeeding.
Flavorful - Honestly doesn't do anything; smells very sweet (as to make one think it would work). Use a carbohydrate enhancement and you'll be fine.
Humboldt Honey - This is a carbohydrate boost, but is more expensive than it should be. Buy any off brand (Carbomax, etc.) and it's the same thing.
Humboldt Roots - You don't need it, it's bacteria colonization in liquid form essentially. Forms a bacteria colony around the roots in the soil to allow the roots to take in nutrients better.
White Widow - Not necessary for a beginner.

He also recommended:
Potassium silicate (Silica) - Enhances development of cellular structure for the cell walls of a plant. This does slightly raise the pH (Get a pH meter!).
Cal-Mag - This compensates for other nutrient deficiencies and helps all nutrients being fed to the plant work together.


Well-Known Member
if i were you i would find a new guy with alot of experience cuz that guys full of it. FlavorFul is the exact opposite of not doing anything. Flavorful is an 8% humic acid derivative. meaning its some humic acid and mostly fulvic acid. if you look it up, fulvic acid is just about the most benificial thing you can put into your nutrient mix. it acts as a chelate, meaning it bonds to all the less available nutrients and makes them more available to the root zone. once it does this and is absorbed into the plant it makes all nutrients more mobile allowing the plant to have more control with what its provided. it is not a sweetener. due to stupid California laws, you cannot list Fulvic acid as an active ingredient in your plant food. but that's why there's the "ful" in FlavorFul. also their product Hum-Bolt, the "hum" stands for humic acid, which is basically fulvic acid just less effective. Your guy also said White Widow isn't necessary for beginners but suggested potassium silicate. potassium silicate bonds to nutrients when not mixed properly. it also has a pH of over 11 which way throws off your water pH. much harder to use than White Widow. and White Widow is by far the best Mycorrhizal product due to the fact that its a purely Endo Mycorrhizal mix. Dont get me wrong, potassium silicate rocks face, the best potassium silicate is Dyna Grows Pro-Tekt. its just REALLY dumb to say "Don't use white widow because you're new at this, but try out potassium silicate!!"


Well-Known Member
o and one more thing. Humboldt roots contains zero bacteria. its plant extracts and amino acids. your guy either doesn't like you, or he doesn't know what he's talking about.