Humanity's gone, smoked up in a gravity bong by a democratic republican


Well-Known Member
Cheech and Chong. My fellow brothers and sisters: It appears even some of my fellow weed smoking friends are more lost than they've ever been. It's apparent to me that there is a growing problem in this world. And it starts with you and me. Mr. Democrat, Mr. Republican I wish to speak to you for a minute and this was the most appropriate forum albeit this is more humanitarian in scope. We have somehow forgot that the government, specifically the US, is no longer us. It is them. They are people born and bred to run this bitch. You actually think that Democrat you voted for gives a flying fuck about you? You think that Republican isn't ready to slit your throat for another term of self-entitlement? The fact you are on a computer accessing the internet reading this, tells me a great deal about you. It tells me you have some money and education. Not alot maybe but enough to know that you can help but you've been bought instead. We've been bribed for our silence and apathy. We don't want to lose the extremely unnecessary things we've grown accustomed to. Your HDTV, your SUV, your goddamn cell phone that rings american idol. We are all apart of that hipocracy too, but we shouldn't front like it's democracy dude. Why can't we spread it around? If someone walked up to you bloody in the street saying they needed a piece of bread would you not give them some of your bread? So what is the difference for the person you can't see? Stop reading this right now and Look at your nice computer....while we were doing that somebody's poor little girl, one of our sisters, just died of starvation because we didn't save her. We could have. We have the resources. You all know what I'm talking about. That taboo elephant in the room that no one ever ever wants to talk about. Why me? Why should I? Well, because if you don't no one will. Indifference, as we all very well see, is genocidal and very contagious. The people, if you can call them that, in office are so far from the reality of life in our world that they are no longer entitled to represent us. Yet you all insist that they are us. They are not. They haven't been for a long time. The first step of progress is realizing the problem. I am you brothers and sisters, and you are me, no matter how much are differences amount to, we have more in common than we do apart. To quote Pink Floyd there is "Us and Them". I admit that I don't know what the answer is, or if there even is an answer at this point. The problems are many and they are big, but so are we. Love and compassion are contagious just like evil and apathy. We have to use that to our advantage. Start to spread it around in your hometown and it will catch. Going elsewhere to help is noble, but it is temporary. If we are to make a real change for humanity it has to start inside ourselves and work outwards from and around us. Help your neighbor finally cut that damn tree! Help your local store clerk just by giving them a genuine smile. Help that stranger struggling with whatever it is, that we ourselves have struggled with so many times. You will see the changes. I realize how convulted this all sounds but all you have to remember is that love and compassion are contagious. I love you and I do want to help you. Neosapien citizen of the world brother to all- out-